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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

3. Paracas culture: 1. General with ceramics and weavings

Teller der
                Paracas-Keramik 02
Plate of Paracas ceramics 02

Photos of a visit to the museum of 2010

presented by Michael Palomino (2011)



Die Tafel am
                          Eingang zum Bereich der Paracas-Kultur
                          (2000-200 v.Chr.)
This is the board at the entrance to the area of Paracas culture (2,000-200 B.C.)

Karte der Region Paracas (Parácas) Map with the region of Paracas (Spanish: Parácas)

The region of Paracas consists in desert, coast line rich in fish, and islands.

                        über die Paracas-Kultur in Spanisch und
Texts about Paracas culture in Spanish and English

<Prelude to civilization: the Paracas culture (2,000-200 B.C.)

By 2,000 years B.C. the Central Andean region was the scenery of an increasing development of technologies and social organization, giving rise to civilization and complex societies. The social, political and economic control was concentrated in the theocratic elites, the ceremonial center being the nuclear building in the important villages.

Economy was based on agriculture and almost every known Andean plant and animal of economic importance were already fully domesticated. There was a flourishing textile industry which employed plant fibers such as cotton and wool from cameloids such as alpaca and vicuña. Pottery was discovered and metallurgy began to be developed making gold, silver and copper artifacts.>
Text über die Paracas-Kultur auf
Text über die Paracas-Kultur auf
Tafel mit den Zentren der Paracas-Kultur
                          in den Tälern der Region Ica mit Fotos
Board showing the centers of Paracas culture in the valleys of the region of Ica with photos

Vitrine der Paracas-Kultur mit Kürbissen
Showcase of Paracas culture with pumpkins
Kürbisse mit Ritzzeichnungen,
Pumpkins with carved paintings, close-up
Kürbisse mit Ritzzeichnungen, Nahaufnahme
Pumpkins with carved paintings, close-up 02

Text zur Paracas-Kultur auf Spanisch
Text about Paracas culture in Spanish and in English

<In the Ica region this period is represented by the development of the Paracas culture, called Ocucaje in the Ica valley [with it's center of Ocucaje], well known by its dazzling embroidered textiles found in mummy bundles. Initially the Paracas culture inherited some decorative techniques and icons from the previous Chavin tradition, but then produced a distinct style well represented in pottery by the use of polychrome resin pigments applied after the vessel was taken out of the kiln.>
Text zur Paracas-Kultur auf Englisch

[And precisely from Ocucaje the engraved stones are coming].

Weavings of Paracas culture
Weberei der Paracas-Kultur 01
Weavings of Paracas culture 01

Text zur Weberei der Paracas-Kultur:
                            Fragment eines Baumwollstoffs. Das Muster
                            ist aufgemalt.
Text about weavings of Paracas culture: part of a cotton fabric. The design is painted
Weberei der Paracas-Kultur 02
Weavings of Paracas culture 02

Nahaufnahme des zweiten Stoffs der
Close-up of the second fabric of Paracas culture

Text zum zweiten Stoff der
Text about the second fabric of Paracas culture: cotton fabric with kicking technique (?) with mythological designs

Tafel mit Texten über die Gewebetechniken
                          der Paracas-Kultur
Board with texts about the fabric techniques of Paracas culture

                          über die Gewebetechniken der Paracas-Kultur
Text about the fabric techniques of Paracas culture


<This is the view to the partly transparent fabric of a coat of Ocucaje, worked with the calado technique. The weavers of this epoch made designs with great persons like holy gods of Paracas with anthropomorphous and zoomorphous designs. It shows a design of two snakes which emerge of his head, and his eyes are identified with the eyes of an eye being.

The forms of the wild cats and snakes in some of the designs of this coat confirm that these animals were important in the mythology of these times.

(original Spanish:
Vistas al trasluz del manto procedente de Ocucaje, elaborado con la técnica del calado, mediante la cual los tejedores de la época trazaron diseños entre los que el personaje principal es una Divinidad Parácas de rasgos antropo y zoomorfos. Presenta un tocado de dos serpientes que emergen de su cabeza. Sus ojos se identifican con los del Ser Oculado.

Los rasgos de felinos y serpientes que componen algunos de los diseños de este manto confirman la importancia y significado mitológico de estos animales).

Das Prinzip der Weberei in der
The principle of weavings in Paracas culture

Der Text zum Weberei-Prinzip der
Text: Details about the kicking technique reaching the design of the Paracas fabrics
(Detalles de la técnica del calado usada para lograr las imágenes en el manto)

Ceramics of Paracas culture
Die Vitrine mit der Paracas-Keramik
The showcase with Paracas ceramics
Text über die Paracas-Keramik
Text about Paracas ceramics


<The ceramics of Paracas times in Paracas caves have got a wide variation of forms. The modeled forms had carved line designs. After burning the vessels the objects were painted with mixed pigments, with resin of plants bettering the fixing. This technique of ornament technique was also called "negative".>

(original Spanish:
La cerámica de la época Parácas Cavernas se caracteriza por una variedad de formas de vasijas modeladas que fueron decoradas con diseños hechos con líneas incisas los que, luego de sacar las vasijas del horno, eran pintadas con pigmentos mezclados con una resina vegetal para que se adhieran a las superficies. También se usó la técnica decorativa del "negativo").

Teller der
                          Paracas-Keramik 01
Plate of Paracas ceramics 01

Pfeifende Keramik-Flasche in Form eines
                          Raubtiers (felino) der Paracas-Kultur 01
Whistling ceramic bottle in form of a wild cat of Paracas culture 01
Pfeifende Keramik-Flasche in Form eines
                          Vogels der Paracas-Kultur
Whistling ceramic bottle in form of a bird of Paracas culture

Seitenansicht der pfeifenden
Lateral view of the whistling bird bottle

A ceramic bottle with doubled face
Ein Gesicht der
                                  Doppelgesicht-Flasche (menschliches
A face of the double face bottle (human face)
Das zweite Gesicht der
The second face of the double face bottle
Die Doppelgesichtflasche, Sicht
                                  halb von oben
Sight from half above of the double face bottle
Doppelgesichtflasche, Sicht von
Sight from above of the double face bottle
Doppelgesichtflasche, Sicht von
                                  oben, Nahaufnahme
Sight from above of the double face bottle, close-up
Doppelgesichtflasche, Sicht von
                                  oben, Nahaufnahme 02
Sight from above of the double face bottle, close-up 02

Whistling objects of Paracas culture
Pfeife der Paracas-Kultur
Whistle of Paracas culture ("silbato")
Pfeife der Paracas-Kultur, Nahaufnahme
Whistle of Paracas culture ("silbato"), close-up
Pfeifende Keramikflasche mit der
                          Ritzzeichnung eines Menschen
Whistling ceramic bottle with carved design of a man
Schlangen-Keramikflasche der
Snake ceramic bottle of Paracas culture
Knochen in Form eines weissen Raubtiers
Bone in form of a white wild cat
Knochen in Form eines braunen Raubtiers
Bone in form of a brown wild cat

The second showcase with ceramics of Paracas culture
Eine weitere Vitrine mit Keramik der
A second showcase with ceramics of Paracas culture

Text über die Keramiken der
More text about Paracas ceramics

<Generally the ceramics and bottle ceramics have dark colors. But the used pigments principally have all living colors. These ornaments were painted with them which had a form similar to humans or to animals. These ceramics are one kind of the most perfect ones in pre-Spanish Peru.>

(original Spanish:

Generalmente los ceramios Paracas Cavernas son de coloración oscura, pero los pigmentos usados eran de una amplia gama de vivos colores. Esto, unido a los adornos y vasijas escultóricas antropomorfas y zoomorfas, hacen de la alfarería Cavernas una de las más logradas del Perú prehispánico).

Eine weitere Keramikflasche mit dem
                            Design einer menschlichen Figur

One more ceramic bottle with a design of a human figure

Eine weitere Keramikflasche mit dem
                            Design einer menschlichen Figur,
One more ceramic bottle with a design of a human figure, close-up

                          mit einem Falken
Cup with a hawk of Paracas culture
Ein Teller mit einem Menschen mit
                          Antennen (wahrscheinlich eine ausserirdische
This plate of Paracas culture has got the design of a human figure with antennas (this is probably an extraterrestrial god with antennas on his head)

There are similar figures in geoglyphs in the region of Palpa:

Region Palpa, Geoglyph mit einem Männchen
                          mit Antennen
Region of Palpa, geoglyph with a man's figure with antennas [1]

Gefäss in Form einer menschlichen Person
                          mit einer kleinen Flöte am Stirnband
Vessel in form of a human person with a little flute on it's headband
Gefässe in Form von Papageien
Vessels in form of parrots
Gefässe in Form von Papagaien,
Vessels in form of parrots, close-up
Gefässe in Form von Papagaien,
                                  Sicht von vorn
Vessels in form of parrots, sight from above

                          mit einem Raubtier
Cup with a wild cat with a human face

This cat with a human face is also on other ceramic vessels as it will be seen later.

Ceramics of necropolis of Paracas culture
Vitrine mit Keramikan der Nekropolis
                          (Totenstätte) der Parakas-Kultur
Showcase with ceramics of the necropolis of Paracas culture

Vitrine mit Keramikan der Nekropolis
                            (Totenstätte) der Parakas-Kultur 02
Showcase with ceramics of the necropolis of Paracas culture 01

Text über die Totenstätte der
                          Paracas-Kultur Text about the necropolis of Paracas culture


<The ceramics of the necropolis of Paracas culture are more or less unicolor. The walls are extremely thin, and the technology of burning was very sophisticated controlling precisely the temperature in the oven. Carved designs with these vessels are only rare. Also the painting after the burning and one more burning of the colors cannot be stated. But there is the work with the negative as one can see with these ceramics.>

(original Spanish:
La alfarería Paracas Necrópolis se caracteriza por su monocromía, y el alto grado de desarrollo de la tecnología en cuanto al control de la temperatura del horno y la extrema delgadez de las paredes de las vasijas. De otro lado, se usan muy poco las incisiones para los diseños, se abandona la aplicación de los pigmentos resinosos poscocción, pero el uso de la técnica del negativo es muy popular, como se puede apreciar en estos ceramios).

Text über die Kürbisflaschen
Text about pumpkin bottles


<The first phase of Nazca culture was parallel with the necropolis phase of Paracas culture. In this case it is shown a double pumpkin bottle. Perhaps a warrior father is represented by this teaching his child how cutting heads as trophies after a battle.>

There is only one double pumpkin bottle in the showcase.

(original Spanish:
La primera fase de la Cultura Nasca es contemporánea con la fase Paracas Necrópolis. En este caso, se trata de una gran vasija de doble cuerpo que probablemente representa a un padre guerrero enseñándole a su hijo el arte de la decapitación de cabezas como trofeos de batallas.>

Kürbisflasche in Beige
Pumpkin bottle in beige

Kürbisflasche in Beige, Nahaufnahme
Pumpkin bottle in beige, close-up
Cucumber bottle

Gurkenflasche, Nahaufnahme
Cucumber bottle, close-up

Kürbisflasche mit einem einfachen
Pumpkin bottle with simple line design
Braune Kürbisflasche 01
Brown pumpkin bottle 01
Braune Kürbisflasche 02
Brown pumpkin bottle 02
Kürbisflasche mit Fröschen
Pumpkin bottle with modeled frogs

Ceramics plate and big ceramic vessels of Paracas culture
                          mit einem Fischmuster
Plate with a fish design
                          mit einem Muster mit mehreren Fischen
Plate with a design with several fishes

Schüssel mit einem geometrischen
Bowl with geometric design
Schüssel mit einem geometrischen
                                  Muster 02
Bowl with geometric design 02

Text über die Keramik der grossen
Text about the following ceramics of the big vessels


<These simple colored vessels in pumpkin forms, and with double beaks and bridge handle are very typical for Paracas necropolis ceramics. They practically always can be found as sacrifice for the dead persons.>

(original Spanish:
Estas vasijas monócromas con cuerpo en forma de zapallo, y con doble pico y asa-puente, son distintivas del arte cerámico Paracas Necrópolis. Se les encuentra casi siempre como ofrendas acompañando a los difuntos).
Zwei grosse Gefässe
Two big vessels
Zwei grosse Gefässe
                                  nebeneinander, Nahaufnahme
Two big vessels, close-up
Da ist ein grosses Gefäss mit
                                  einer Figur mit einem Gesicht in
And there is a big vessel with a figure with a head in form of a heart
Da ist ein grosses Gefäss mit
                                  einer Figur mit einem Gesicht in
                                  Herzform 02
And there is a big vessel with a figure with a head in form of a heart 02
Da ist ein grosses Gefäss mit
                                  einer Figur mit einem Gesicht in
                                  Herzform, Nahaufnahme 01
The vessel with the figure with the head in form of a heart, close-up 01
Da ist ein grosses Gefäss mit
                                  einer Figur mit einem Gesicht in
                                  Herzform, Nahaufnahme 02
The vessel with the figure with the head in form of a heart, close-up 02
Da ist ein grosses Gefäss mit
                                  einer Gottheit in Form einer Katze mit
                                  einem Gesicht in Herzform, Nahaufnahme
The vessel with the figure with the head in form of a heart, close-up 03

Grosses Keramikgefäss mit dem Muster
                          einer Frau und weiteren Figuren
Big ceramic vessel with a design of a woman and other figures
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit dem
                                  Ausguss in Form eines Kopfes
Big ceramic vessel of Paracas culture with an outlet in form of a head
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit dem
                                  Ausguss in Form eines Kopfes,
Big ceramic vessel of Paracas culture with an outlet in form of a head, close-up
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit einem
Big ceramic vessel with a face
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit einem
                                  Gesicht 02
Big ceramic vessel with a face 02
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit einem
                                  Gesicht 03
Big ceramic vessel with a face 03
Grosses Keramikgefäss mit einem
                                  Gesicht, Nahaufnahme
Big ceramic vessel with a face, close-up

The first loom and weavings in Paracas culture
Grosse Tafel mit
                        Angaben über die Weberei und die ersten
                        Webstühle der Paracas-Kultur
Big board with indications about the weavings and the first looms in Paracas culture
Text über die ersten Webstühle in der
Text about the first looms in Paracas culture


<In Old Peru the loom appears in Paracas culture and in other cultures at the same time, and is a new instrument of production. In the archeology the loom is considered as one more indicator for a new direction of social and economic organization in thevillages.

By the loom the old Peruvians developed new clothing and clothes. With it the technical refinement and diversity were always augmented. And the result were under other things the precious fabric techniques of Paracas.>

(original Spanish:
El telar aparece en la cultura Paracas y en otras de esta misma época del Antiguo Perú como un nuevo instrumento de producción. En la arqueología es considerado como un indicador más de las nuevas características de organización social y económica de tales poblaciones.

Con él los antiguos peruanos elaboraron vestimentas y otras prendas con una diversidad de técnicas cada vez más amplia, lo cual tuvo como resultado el desarrollo del tan preciado arte textil Paracas).

[Weaving afforded wool which came from the domesticated wool animals (lama, vicuña etc., sheep were introduced by Christian occupation). According to Erich von Däniken and many indications of Asia it's absolutely possible or even probable that extraterrestrial gods came to Earth in these times and tought the natives the domestication and the use of animals and also the loom].

Abbildung mit einem fest montierten,
                          horizontalen Webstuhl
Drawing of a fixed horizontal loom of Paracas culture

Text zum ersten, fest montierten,
                            horizontalen Webstuhl
Text: fixed loom in horizontal position

Abbildung eines ersten festen, vertikalen
                          Webstuhls der Paracas-Kultur
Drawing of a fixed vertical loom of Paracas culture

Text über den ersten, fest montierten,
                            vertikalen Webstuhl
Text: fixed loom in vertical position

Abbildung mit einem mobilen Webstuhl, der
                          an der Taille befestigt ist
Drawing of a mobile loom fixed on the waist

Text zum mobilen Webstuhl, der an der
                            Taille befestigt ist
Text: mobile loom fixed on the waist
Vitrine mit einem Taillen-Webstuhl
And there is also a showcase with a waist loom

Modell eines Taillen-Webstuhls
Model of a waist loom

The natives in Peru know this waist loom today yet and are weaving e.g. bands with it or little table mats or caps as one can see on this photo of Cuzco of 2009.

Stickereiverkäuferin mit
                                  Taillen-Webstuhl in Cusco 2009
Saleswoman of embroidery with waist loom in Cuzco in 2009
Der Taillen-Webstuhl ist am
                                  Gürtel befestigt
The waist loom is fixed on the belt
Das andere Ende des
                                Taillen-Webstuhls ist hier am Pfosten
The other end of the waist loom is fixed on a post

                          Text zum Taillen-Webstuhl
The text about weavings


<The weavings had a rich variation concerning it's constitution with the use of the loom. The means permitted to the weaver to create the composition of threads, and today the weavings are rich heritage of the country.>

(original Spanish:
Los tejidos alcanzaron una mayor variedad en su constitución con el uso del telar. Instrumento que con sus respectivos accesorios, permitió al tejedor recrear la composición de los hilos logrando los tejidos que hoy constituyen nuestro rico patrimonio heredado).

And here are the weaving needles

Der Text zu den Webnadeln: Gegenstände
                            zum Nähen aus Holz (Spindeln), und ergänzt
                            mit Tortero (Piruro), sei es Keramik, Holz
                            oder Stein. Die Nadeln wurden generell aus
                            Kaktusstacheln und Knochen hergestellt.
The text about weaving needles: Objects for sewing were of wood (spindle), and there were also Tortero (Piruro) in ceramics, wood or in stone. The needles generally were made of cactus spines and of wood.
... and also cotton comes

Der Text zur Baumwolle: Baumwolle der
                            Ureinwohner (Gossipium barbadense), mit
                            Farben, die von Beige oder Cremefarbe bis
                            ins Braun und rosa reichen. Der Gebrauch bei
                            den Stoffen war so verbreitet wie die
                            Wollfaser der Kameltiere.
Text about cotton: Cotton of the natives (Gossipium barbadense) can be seen here with colors from beige or creme colors until brown or rose. The use of cotton was spread as much as the wool of camel animals [lama, vicuña].

The funeral in Paracas culture
Grosse Tafel über das Begräbnis in der
Big board about funerals in Paracas culture
Grabposition in der Paracas-Kultur in
                          Tücher gehüllt

Grave position in Paracas culture wrapped in blankets

The dead body was "folded" and wrapped in blankets, and around it were put the funeral gifts.
Der Text über die Begräbnisse in der
The text about the funerals in Paracas culture


<The dead persons in Paracas culture (in the time of 400 to 100 B.C.) were buried in a basket. The dead body was wrapped into different blankets. These were rough blankets, but they had elaborated edgings up to the well known funeral bunch. In the inner and also round about the bunch there were given many funeral gifts.

The most impressive bunches were found by [the Peruvian archaeologist] Julio C. Tello in 1927 near the necropolis of the Colored Mountain (Cerro Colorado) on the peninsula of Paracas. Many of the skeletons of the excavated graves were old, tall men, with deformed long skulls, deformed almost in a cylindrical way.>

(original Spanish:
Los muertos de la cultura Paracas (400 a.C. - 100 a.C.) fueron enterrados dentro de un cesto envueltos en una serie de textiles tanto burdos como primorosamente bordados hasta conforma el conocido fardo funerario. Al interior y también alrededor del fardo el muerto fue acompañado por ofrendas diversas.

Los más impresionantes fardos han sido los hallados por [el arqueólogo peruano] Julio C. Tello en las necrópolis de Cerro Colorado, Península de Paracas, en el año 1927. Muchos de los abiertos fueron de varones ancianos maduros, altos y con cráneos deformados alargados y casi cilíndricos).

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Photo sources
[1] Erich von Däniken: Zeichen für die Ewigkeit - die Botschaft von Nasca; Goldmann-Verlag ohne Jahr [1996 ca.]; ISBN: 3-442-15033-7, p. 133
