Ica, engraved
stones museum, index
Astronomers, wise men, dinosaurs, surgery etc.
This visit of the museum was in 2010, photos were
presented by Michael Palomino in 2011
1. Photos of the engraved stones
museum of Ica (of the CD of the museum in
arranged and
presented by Michael Palomino (2011)
1.1. Introduction
The collector of
the engraved stones of Ica, javier Cabrera,
1.2. Astronomers
The left
astronomer with a telescope in his both hands
1.3. The wise
Two wise men
blowing at the sun
1.4. Wisdom
The stone with the
snake in a form of a DNA
1.5. Maps
World map in a
large size 02
1.6. Dinosaurs
Stone with
different dinosaurs 02
1.7. Wise men with
1.7. Wise
men with dinosaurs, part 1
stone with wise men, natives and dinosaurs - the
stone with dinosaurs,
wise men and suns - a dinosaur with a ray face on
his belly, with a
bird in the neck and with a wise man
A wise man with a
hatchet with a dinosaur, and in the upper part
are the suns 03
1.7. Wise
men with dinosaurs, part 2
More stones
A dinosaur eating
a lizard, and there is also a wise man
1.8. Surgery
- head
surgery - heart
surgery - stomach
surgery - births
Cesareans - liver
surgery - belly
surgery - other
Heart surgery,
close-up of the heart

1.9. Further
A shrimp (?)

1.10. Engraved
stones with pictures of lines of Nazca
Engraved stone
with pictures of the Nazca lines: monkey, Condor
eagle, and lizard
1.11. Sexuality
of the gods
Homosexuality of the gods - masturbation - cuts -
Engraved stones
with homo sceneries
Photos of the engraved stones museum of Ica
(photos of Michael Palomino 2010)
of room no. 1
building of the museum and the entrance - the
office - Mr. Cabrera
- astronomy and astronomers - surgery - wise
men with dinosaurs,
lizards and suns - wisdom: a DNA snake - wise
men with the moon and
with a magnifying glass - wise men with
dinosaurs - wise men with the man of the
sun - further animals, dinosaurs and wise men
as musicians - pictures
of Nazca lines on the engraved stones
The big stone of
astronomy, the big astronomer with a telescope
of room no. 2, part 1
Maps - sun
stones - wise men as musicians - wise men
running and
with snakes - surgery (kidney, head, births,
Cesareans, heart) -
further animlas - wooden inca steles
Stones of suns
of room no. 2, part 2
More dinosaurs - further animals
Two wise men on a
of the gods