The three astronomers on the big stone
of astronomy
The big stone with the astronomers is here in
the office of the museum aside the desk on the
The astronomer at the left side with a telescope
in his both hands
The astronomer with telescope, and above is the
design of the constellation of the stars
The astronomer at the left side with a telescope
in his both hands
The astronomer at the right side with a
telescope in his both hands
The astronomer at the right side with a
telescope in his both hands, close-up
The astronomer at the right side with a
telescope in his both hands
Here they are together the left and the right
astronomer on the big stone of astronomy
And now there is the question how
it was possible that in former old times there
existed telescopes already.
Two astronomers with telescopes and the
constellation of stars
The right astronomer with it's telescope and the
constellation of the stars
And on the back side of the stone there is a
third astronomer on the knees with a telescope
in one hand.