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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

2. Stone Age

Production of tools
Production of tools

Photos of a visit to the museum of 2010

presented by Michael Palomino (2011)



The board of Stone Age, hunters and
                            collectors - beginning of agriculture
The board of Stone Age, hunters and collectors - beginning of agriculture (cazadores y recolectores - inicios de la agricultura)

This epoch of the hunters and collectors is defined at 16,000 to 6,000 B.C., and the beginning of agriculture is defined at 6,000 to 2,000 B.C.

[Well, in these times the gods came (they were extraterrestrials) and tought men how agriculture and administration function, and also the domestication of animals].
Big board about Stone Age 01
Big board about Stone Age 01

Texts in
                            Spanish and in English about Stone Age
Texts in Spanish and in English about Stone Age

<The first inhabitants: hunters and gatherers (16,000-6,000 B.C.)

The peopling of the Andean America was initiated some 18,000 years ago by nomadic groups with an economy based on hunting of extinct megafauna (masatodons, saber tooth tiger, etc.) and gathering of fruits and roots; they used big and rough stone tools, worked by percussion. By 10,000 B.C. the megafauna is replaced by smaller species (deers, cameloids, etc.) and the lithic technology develops to more elaborated and smaller tools, especially projectile points.

Except by some Paijan type lithic points coming from the Pozo Santo vicinity, there is little evidence of early hunters and gatherers in the Ica region.>
[The real events were these ones with extraterrestrial gods - according to Erich von Däniken and many other indications:

Extraterrestrials came as gods to Earth: These were persons with a height of 5 or 6 meters (astronauts or persons with antennas on their heads etc.), and they tought to the little human beings (hunters and gatherers) step by step more and more agriculture and domestication of animals. Later these gods are painted on ceramics, are woven in fabric designs, and are presented in geoglyphs (line paintings and stone formations) and in petroglyphs (rock painting). Unfortunately rock paintings are not shown in the Regional Museum of Ica. Also the engraved stones of Ica are missing completely. By the events with the extraterrestrial gods there came up religious cults and adorations, above all after they had left the Earth].

Production of tools
Production of tools
Culture of the hunters, natives hunting
                            trunked animals like elephants
Culture of the hunters, natives hunting trunked animals like elephants

Text: amusement times in the nature
                              with partly hunting the rich fauna
Text: amusement times in the nature with partly hunting the rich fauna

Tool production in the Stone age of
                            hunters and gatherers
Tool production in the Stone age of hunters and gatherers

Text: Technique making stone
                            tools, there was a fine technique with
                            pressure at the forming tool
Text: Technique making stone tools, there was a fine technique with pressure at the forming tool

Life in caves
Life in caves

Text about the live in caves:
                            The hunters and gatherers making rest in a
Text about the live in caves: The hunters and gatherers making rest in a cave

Tool production
Tool production

Text about tool production: There was
                              also a striking technique forming the
Text about tool production: There was also a striking technique forming the stones

Arrow heads of Stone Age
Arrow heads of Stone Age

Text about the arrow heads: The
                            arrow heads were found at the archaeological
                            site of Paiján in the region of Trujillo
                            [north of Peru]. They are similar to the
                            ones shown by [the archaeologist] F. Engel
                            who found the same kind of them at
                            Mastodonte in the region of Pisco [south of
Text about the arrow heads: The arrow heads were found at the archaeological site of Paiján in the region of Trujillo [north of Peru]. They are similar to the ones shown by [the archaeologist] F. Engel who found the same kind of them at Mastodonte in the region of Pisco [south of Peru].

Showcase with Stone Age model with a Peruvian coast line of southern Peru
The showcase with a Stone Age model of
                            hunters and gatherers shows also the first
The showcase with a Stone Age model of hunters and gatherers shows also the first agriculture
The showcase with it's Stone Age model,
The showcase with it's Stone Age model, close-up

                            showcase with it's Stone Age model, sight
                            from above
The showcase with it's Stone Age model, sight from above
The showcase with it's Stone Age model,
                            sight half from the side
The showcase with it's Stone Age model, sight half from the side

And now see the details:

Model with fishermen 01
Model with fishermen 01
Model with fishermen 02
Model with fishermen 02
Model of Stone Age houses
Model of Stone Age houses
Model of Stone Age houses under
Model of Stone Age houses under construction
Model of Stone Age houses under
Model of Stone Age houses under construction
Model of Stone Age with
                                    agricultural fields
Model of Stone Age with agricultural fields
Model of Stone Age with
                                    agriculture with women with
Model of Stone Age with agriculture with women with pumpkins
Model of Stone Age with a
Model of Stone Age with a campfire

Text about the developing of sedentarism of the hunters and gatherers with agriculture
Text about domestication of hunters
                              and gatherers with agriculture

Text about domestication of hunters
                              and gatherers with agriculture in Spanish

Text about domestication of hunters
                              and gatherers with agriculture in English
Text about domestication of hunters and gatherers with agriculture

<The beginnings of plant and animal domestication (6,000-2,000 B.C.)

By 5,000 B.C. man began to domesticate plants and animals producing his own food, living in permanent villages, and making the first textiles from plant fibers like cotton and reeds.

Lithic artifacts belonging to fishing and seafood gathering groups were left 8,000 years ago in San Nicolas Bay south Nasca. At Pampa Santo Domingo, Paracas Bay, Frederic Engel discovered a fishing village with some plant remains like cotton and jiquima, the latter and Andean tuber, indicating an incipient agriculture. The Santo Domingo dwelling were very simple and similar to those found at Chilca 5,000 B.C. Presence of early farming has too been recorded in the Rio Grande valley.>

Sedentiarism and house constructioning in the Stone Age
Big board
                            about house constructioning of hunters and
Big board about house constructioning of hunters and gatherers
The structure of house constructioning
The structure of house constructioning

Text about house
                            constructioning: Construction of a little
                            house of rural vegetable farmers
Text about house constructioning: Construction of a little house of rural vegetable farmers

                            principles of pleaching the house walls
The principles of pleaching the house walls

Text about pleaching
                            techniques: First pleachings were made by
                            hand. 1. undulating pleaching; 2. enringing;
                            3. linking; 4. simple weaving
Text about pleaching techniques: First pleachings were made by hand. 1. undulating pleaching; 2. enringing; 3. linking; 4. simple weaving

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