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Machu Picchu, photo gallery 12: a meditation room with a 32 angled stone

La vista al cuarto de meditación de arriba  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Der Stein mit 32
            Ecken, Innenansicht, Panoramafoto 02  Machu Picchu: Das Meditationszimmer, der rechte
            Gigastein mit 32 Ecken
View to the medication room from above - the 32 angled stone, interior view and exterior view

So, who cut these giant stones? - Extraterrestrials did.

Photo gallery by Michael Palomino (2016, translation 2017, the photos are from 2011)



After having passed Holy Plaza (Sacred Plaza) follows a side room. The guides mean that this was a "medication room". Again there are giant stones being made of first quality technique. Of course also here the walls are installed a little bit inclined as a prevention against earthquakes.

Machu Picchu: the meditation room with it's giant stones - the 32 angled stone

So who did cut all these giant stones? According my opinion these were extraterrestrials with laser technique. Incas were Wikings (see the book of Zillmer: Columbus was the last, original in German: Kolumbus kam als Letzter). And these Wikings were extraterrestrials (my tesis). The only question is: why did they let drive themselves away by the criminal murdering Church?

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer, die Mauer mit
                    dem Eingang 1  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer, die Mauer mit
                    dem Eingang 2 
Machu Picchu, meditation room, the wall with it's entrance 1,2

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer, der Eingang  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer, der Eingang -
                    der linke Gigastein
Machu Picchu, meditation room, the entrance - the left giant stone

  Machu Picchu: Das Meditationszimmer, der rechte
                    Gigastein mit 32 Ecken  Machu Picchu: Das Meditationszimmer, der rechte
                    Gigastein mit 32 Ecken, Nahaufnahme  Machu Picchu: Das Meditationszimmer, der rechte
                    Gigastein mit 32 Ecken
Machu Picchu: the meditation room, the right giant stone with 32 angles - and the stones on it

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Der Eingang
                    von innen her gesehen  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Der Eingang
                    von innen her gesehen - der Stein mit 32 Ecken von
                    innen her gesehen, zusammengesetztes Foto
Machu Picchu, meditation room: the entrance, interior view - the 32 angled stone, interior view, composed photo (panorama 01)
(one can see slight differences of the color tones in the middle of the photo)

My observance: here one can see very fine the slight inclination of the stones how they are built in a quakeproof way without mortar: There is no right angle of 90 degrees, but it's a little bit smaller with 88 degrees. This is one of the factors why the stones will not fall during an earthquake. Or the giant main stone is cut oabove in a slightly inclined way so all stones get an inclination a little bit to the left side thus during an earthquake will not move any stone to the right outer edge.

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Der Stein mit
                    32 Ecken, Innenansicht, Panoramafoto 02
Machu Picchu, meditation room: the 32 angled stone, interior view, panorama 02
(The photo program composing the photos automatically creates a too steep inclination the left).

Die Innenansicht des Steins mit 32 Ecken 1  Die Innenansicht des Steins mit 32 Ecken 2
Interior view of the 32 angled stone 1,2

La vista al cuarto de meditación de arriba
Machu Picchu: view to the meditation room from above

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Die zentralen
                    Nischen  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Eine der
                    zentralen Nischen  Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Eine
Machu Picchu, meditation room: the central niches - one of the central niches - a niche of the side wall

Earth quakes were "working" provoking some holes in the wall.

Machu Picchu: Meditationszimmer: Die Mauer mit
                    dem Eingang 02  Machu Picchu: Meditationszimmer: Der Oberbau
                    zur Treppe hin, Nahaufnahme
Machu Picchu: meditation room: the wall at the entrance 02 - the edge of the wall leading to the stairs, zoom

So, who did cut all these giant stones? They are composed WITHOUT mortar but they are composed in a quakeproof way. Were these natives with a wooden spoon? - No, extraterrestrials have done this. In Europe were also such buildings but criminal racist Church destroyed everything of it.

Machu Picchu: the views from the meditation room

Machu Picchu, Meditationszimmer: Die Sicht über
                    die Seitenmauer mit dem Baum und Terrassen des
                    Landwirtschaftssektors mit dem Pausenhäuschen oben
Machu Picchu, meditation room: view passing the side wall to a tree with terraces of the agriculture sector with the rest house on the top of the mountain

An urgent petition to UNESCO: Please repair this earthquake damage before the stones are braking!

View to the exterior from the meditation room with work houses, big wall and Putucusi Mountain

Machu Picchu: Sicht vom Meditationszimmer auf
                    den Zentralplatz mit den Arbeitshäusern und den
                    Putucusi-Berg, Panoramafoto
Machu Picchu: view from the meditation room to Central Plaza with work houses and Putucusi Mountain

Machu Picchu: Sicht vom Meditationszimmer auf
                    den Zentralplatz mit den Arbeitshäusern und den
                    Putucusi-Berg, grosses Panoramafoto
Machu Picchu: view from the meditation room to Central Plaza with work houses, big wall, Mirror Temple and Putucusi Mountain, panoramic photo

Machu Picchu: Sicht vom Meditationszimmer auf
                    den Zentralplatz mit den Arbeitshäusern und den
                    Putucusi-Berg 1  Machu Picchu: Sicht vom Meditationszimmer auf
                    den Zentralplatz mit den Arbeitshäusern und den
                    Putucusi-Berg 2  Machu Picchu: Sicht vom Meditationszimmer auf
                    den Zentralplatz mit den Arbeitshäusern und den
                    Putucusi-Berg 3
Machu Picchu: view from the meditation room to Central Plaza with work houses, big wall, Mirror Temple and Putucusi Mountain

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