The big quarry of Machu Picchu with
a chaos with giant stones

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: cut giant stones in the
quarry 1,2 - stones with a straight industrial groove by
extraterrestrials - zoom

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: one more cut giant stone
- the big quarry of Machu Picchu, a chaos of stones,
panoramic photo

The big quarry of Machu Picchu and it's chaos of stones,
big panoramic photo
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: chaos of stones

The big quarry of Machu Picchu with it's view to the
local mountain of Huaynapicchu
The quarry of Machu Picchu: cut
giant stones with flat surfaces and right angles
With these cuts and right angles
with stones it becomes clear that extraterrestrials
were working here with a laser technique preparing
stones for their buildings:

The big quarry of Machu Picchu with cut giant stones 1,2
- the gib quarry of Machu Picchu with more chaos of
stones 5 - and a stone with cut right angles

The big quarry of Machu Picchu with it's stone chaos
6,7- and one more cut giant stones - and a little square
in the quarry
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: one more giant stone

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: one more cut giant
stone, panoramic photo

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: view to the giant stone
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with flat
surfaces and cuts

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with cut flat
surfaces - zoom - prepared stones in a row - zoom of the

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: chaos of stones- big cut
stones with flat surface - stone with flat surface
panoramic photo
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: chaos of stones - stones
with cut flat surfaces - the big quarry of Machu Picchu:
the trail passing the stone chaos

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: flowers in the stone
chaos 1,2 - the big quarry of Machu Picchu: flowers in
the stone chaos, zoom 1,2

The big quarry of Machu Picchu: chaos of stones - the
big quarry of Machu Picchu: a top of a big stone with
flat broken surface with moss - giant stone with flat
cut surface, panoramic photo
Big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with flat cut
surfaces - zoom
Views from the big quarry to Holy Plaza (Sacred
Plaza) of Machu Picchu with the two local mountains

Machu Picchu: view from the big quarry to Holy Plaza
(Sacred Plaza) with the two local mountains Huchuypicchu
(low) and Huaynapicchu (high)

Machu Picchu: view from the big quarry to the Main
Temple, Holy Plaza (Sacred Plaza), solar pyramid and the
local mountains Huchuypicchu (low) and Huaynapicchu
(high) - view to the work houses, to the Mirror Temple
and to the mountains
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: more stones with cut
flat surfaces and right angles

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with cut flat
surfaces and with cut right angles - more stones with
cut flat surfaces and right angles

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with cut flat
surfaces and with cut right angles - stones with flat

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: shrubs are growing - giant
stones with practically flat surfaces
Big quarry of Machu Picchu: big stone with cut surface
and moss - big stones with cut surfaces

Big quarry of Machu Picchu with cut giant stones - with
the view to the local mountain of Waynapicchu, panoramic
A compass dial on on a stone in the quarry of Machu
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: on one of the stones a
compass dial is carved - zoom
Big quarry of Machu Picchu: flat surfaces, curvy
surfaces, right angles - and a face
Big quarry of Machu Picchu: cut stones with cut right
angles -- cut giant stones

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: giant stone with curvy cut
surfaces and a face

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: giant stones with cut right
angle - zooms 1,2
A weasel in the big quarry of Machu Picchu

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: giant stone with cut
right angle with a weasel - zoom
This is no balsa wood!

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: giant stone with cut right
angle with a weasel on the top, zooms
View from the big quarry to the Main Temple and to
the Solar Pyramid

View from the big quarry to the Main Temple and to the
Solar Pyramid 1,2 - view from the big quarry to the Main
Temple with the Holy Plaza (Sacred Plaza)
The big quarry of Machu Picchu: more stones with flat

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: stones with flat cut
surfaces - stones with flat surfaces and mountains in
the background - big quarry of Machu Picchu: another
weasel on a top of a stone

Big quarry of Machu Picchu: cut giant stones forming a
tunnel gateway 1,2