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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

7. Inca culture: 1. regions and talking knots (quipus)

Talking knots (quipus)
Talking knots (quipus) 02

presented by Michael Palomino (2011) (photos from 2010)



The regions of Inca culture
The board of Inca zone (1,450-1,535)
The board of Inca zone (1,450-1,535)

[The first date is wrong. According to all guides in Cuzco Inca culture begins at about 1200 A.C. reaching it's Inca empire at about 1450 A.C.

And also the second date of 1535 with the alleged end of the Inca empire of 1535 is wrong, because Inca culture is in resistance until today in the high mountains against racist Christians with their centers in Lima and Rome].
Big board with the topic of the Inca
                            centers and the Inca trail
Big board with the topic of the Inca centers and the Inca trail

Text about the Inca empire in
Text about the Inca empire in Spanish
Text about the Inca empire in
Text about the Inca empire in English
Text about the Inca empire in
                                    Spanish 02
Text about the Inca empire in Spanish 02
Text about the Inca empire in
                                  English 02
Text about the Inca empire in English 02

<The Inca empire (1450-1535)

Following the successful campaign of the Chanca war, the grand Inca ruler, Pachacutec, immediately undertook the expansion of Inca territory through conquest by 1450 A.C. Tupac Inca, who succeeded to the Cusco throne in 1471, extended the Tawantinsuyo Empire [this is the Quechua name of the Inca Empire] nearly of its ultimate limits, covering great part of the Andean area.

According the empire's control policy, administrative centers were established in every conquered region. These centers followed cultural, social and economic patterns of the Incas and the urban plan of the city of Cusco. The formal and iconographic features of textilery, ceramics and metallurgy show too the imposed Cusco cultural patterns.>

<In every valley of the Ica region we find urban centers built in accordance to Inca planning and architectural techniques. New administrative buildings are erected and others, modified in the local urban center of La Centinela in the Chincha valley.

In the Pisco valley, some 45 kilometers inland, the Tambo Colorado administrative center is edified to control the regional economy. The Inca presence is not so obvious in the Ica valley although some minor structures are noted along the native urban centers.

In the Rig Grande of Nasca drainage the Incas built two control centers: Tambo del Collao in the Ingenio valley and Paredones in the Nasca valley. In Paredones, the plan, the masonry and the use of worked stone, clearly follow the same pattern as in buildings of the capital of the empire.>

Inca trail at La Achirana
Inca trail at La Achirana

Text: Inca Trail, La Achirana,
Text: Inca Trail, La Achirana, Ica
Holy Inca place of "Sentinel"
                            ("Huaca La Centinela")
Holy Inca place of "Sentinel" ("Huaca La Centinela")

Text: Holy place "Sentinel"
                              ("Huaca La Centinela") in the
                              Chincha valley, a building of the Incas
Text: Holy place "Sentinel" ("Huaca La Centinela") in the Chincha valley, a building of the Incas

Tambo Colorado ("painted guest
Tambo Colorado ("painted guest house")

Text: Tambo Colorado (translated
                              "painted guest house) in Pisco
                              valley. The plant was an administrative
                              center of the Incas. Partial view of the
                              inner courtyard of the Inca palace.
Text: Tambo Colorado (translated "painted guest house) in Pisco valley. The plant was an administrative center of the Incas. Partial view of the inner courtyard of the Inca palace.

Talking knots (quipus) of Inca culture
Showcase with talking knots
                                    ("quipus") 01
Showcase with talking knots ("quipus") 01
Showcase with talking knots
                                    ("quipus") 02
Showcase with talking knots ("quipus") 02
Showcase with talking knots
                                    ("quipus"), first
Showcase with talking knots ("quipus"), first close-up

                            text about the talking knots of the Incas

The text about the talking knots of the Incas


<Talking knots (quipus) of cotton, Inca culture
They were used in the Inca empire administration for registration of information about quantities of inhabitants, means, agriculture products etc. The interpretation got it's base with the colors of the cords, with different knots, and in some cases little objects were knotted at the end of the cord.>

(original Spanish:
Quipu de algodón, cultura Inca
Usado en la administración imperial Inca para registrar información de la cantidad de habitantes, recursos, productos agrícolas, etc. Su interpretación se hacía en base a los colores de las cuerdas, diversos nudos y, en algunos casos, pequeños objetos anudados).
Talking knots (quipus) 01
Talking knots (quipus) 01
Talking knots (quipus) 02
Talking knots (quipus) 02
Talking knots (quipus) 03
Talking knots (quipus) 03

Knot zone of talking knots
                                    (quipus) 01
Knot zone of talking knots (quipus) 01
Knot zone of talking knots
                                    (quipus) 02
Knot zone of talking knots (quipus) 02

Second showcase with talking
                                    knots (quipus) of Inca culture
Second showcase with talking knots (quipus) of Inca culture
Second showcase with talking
                                    knots (quipus) of Inca culture,
Second showcase with talking knots (quipus) of Inca culture, close-up
Second showcase with talking
                                    knots (quipus) of Inca culture,
Second showcase with talking knots (quipus) of Inca culture, close-up

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