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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

4. Nazca culture: 1. Gods and drawings of animals

Bottle with
                hummingbird design
Bottle with hummingbird design

Photos of a visit to the museum of 2010

presented by Michael Palomino (2011)



General indications about Nazca culture
The board indicating Nazca culture (200
                            B.C.-600 A.C)
The board indicating Nazca culture (200 B.C.-600 A.C)
Texts about Nazca culture in Spanish
                            and in English
Texts about Nazca culture in Spanish and in English

<The civilization: the Nasca master craftsmen (200 B.C.-600 A.C.)

After 200 B.C. civilization had been completely established in the Andean world giving rise to small state formations controlling several adjoining valleys. Agriculture was highly improved by the construction of sophisticated irrigation systems of canals and aqueducts, and agricultural terraces. This new advanced hydraulic technology lead to a surplus production that had to be controlled by a new administrative elite supported by an army. This new elite took the political control of the society replacing the powerful theocratic groups of the preceding period.

The population center grew and, in addition to the ceremonial center, other public buildings were erected: the palace, the army barracks, the artisans workhouses, etc. All this complexity gave the settlement an urban character. Besides, the textile production increased; new ceramic vessel shapes appeared painted before firing with a richer and more varied palette.>
Texts about Nazca culture in Spanish
Texts about Nazca culture in English
Showcase with a big Nazca ceramic 01
Showcase with a big Nazca ceramic 01

Showcase with a big Nazca ceramic 02
Showcase with a big Nazca ceramic 02

The first showcase with "normal" Nazca ceramics
Showcase with handy Nazca ceramics 01
Showcase with handy Nazca ceramics 01

In the showcase is another text about Nazca ceramics.


<The ceramics production of this culture is characterized by the painted ornaments which were hardened before. All in all there are four development grades. The first level contains technique of Paracas culture yet with engraved designs.

The second phase is dominated by designs in black color, and between the presentation of nature and activities of the humans the wild cat is coming out as a God.>

(original Spanish:

La producción cerámica de esta cultura caracterizada por la decoración pintada precocción tiene cuatro fases de desarrollo. La inicial aún mantiene la técnica Paracas del delineado inciso de la figura.

En la siguiente fase los diseños son delineados con pintura negra y entre las representaciones de la naturaleza y actividades del hombre sobresale como una divinidad principal: el felino).
In the
                            showcase is another text about Nazca
Ceramic vessel in form of a hawk
Ceramic vessel in form of a hawk

Bottle with hummingbird design
Bottle with hummingbird design
Bottle with hummingbird design,
Bottle with hummingbird design, close-up

These hummingbirds also can be found in the Nazca lines, and also the following monkey.

Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a monkey
Ceramic bottle with the design of a monkey
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a monkey, close-up
Ceramic bottle with the design of a monkey, close-up
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a monkey 02
Ceramic bottle with the design of a monkey 02
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a monkey 02, close-up
Ceramic bottle with the design of a monkey 02, close-up

Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a fisherman
Ceramic bottle with the design of a fisherman
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a fisherman, close-up
Ceramic bottle with the design of a fisherman, close-up
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a fisherman, his bottom
Ceramic bottle with the design of a fisherman, his bottom
Ceramic bottle with the design
                                    of a fisherman, close-up of his
Ceramic bottle with the design of a fisherman, close-up of his bottom

Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture in form
                            of an agricultural person
Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture in form of an agricultural person
Ceramic plate of Nazca culture with a
Ceramic plate of Nazca culture with a fish

Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture
                                    with the design of a god
Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture with the design of a god
Ceramic bottle of Nazca
                                    culture, the god has got a knife in
                                    his hand
Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture, the god has got a knife in his hand
Ceramic bottle of Nazca
                                    culture, the bottom of the god has
                                    got a long tail
Ceramic bottle of Nazca culture, the bottom of the god has got a long tail

The second showcase with handy Nazca ceramics
Another showcase with handy ceramics of
                            Nazca culture
Another showcase with handy ceramics of Nazca culture
                            about Nazca ceramics in the second showcase
                            of handy ceramics
Text about Nazca ceramics in the second showcase of handy ceramics


<During the third phase of Nazca culture there was a well stiled design in Nazca ceramics. Add to this the design has got strong relations to religious elements.

In the last phase there can be stated that the production of ceramics is not this skillful as before any more. This is an indication for a climate change and also a social change.>

(original Spanish:
En una tercera fase los Nasca plasmaron en su cerámica diseños más estilizados entre los que se evidencian con mayor énfasis los vinculados a la religiosidad.

En la última fase se observa que la producción cerámica no recibe del alfarero la misma dedicación que antes, señalándose entre las razones las de carácter climático así como las referidas a la organización sociopolítica).

Vessel with a god 01
Vessel with a god 01
Vessel with a god 02
Vessel with a god 02
Ceramic bottle with another
Ceramic bottle with another god
Ceramic bottle with another
                                    god, close-up
Ceramic bottle with another god, close-up

Ceramic vessel with a face in the
Ceramic vessel with a face in the outlet
Ceramic jug of Nazca culture with a
                            grinning face in the outlet
Ceramic jug of Nazca culture with a grinning face in the outlet

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