In the first part of the basis the walls are incomplete because Catholic Christian pigs robbed the stones - probably for the construction of their churches for - and this is well known: for celebrating messes of Jewish fantasies from Asia and for a fantasy "Jesus" - but there is not one single papyrus nor monument or bust or signature from this "Jesus" nor is any indication found how he was healing...
We are in teh field of Sacsayhuamán. Unfortunately there were some clouds in the sky so some photos are only shady without sunlight.
Coming in first one can see the wall far away, and one is passing some precise and geometric parts of a construction:
With this one can admit that in the today's houses (2017) of Cusco more such white parts of Sacsayhuamán were robbed and used.
Just with this first photo one can see the dimensions of these giant stones: they are higher than a normal man with his white jacket!
The extention / prolongation of the wall to the right side is shaped with a hill with 6 terraces:
Cusco, Sacsayhuamán, the festivity courtyard and the hill with 6 terraces (flattened pyramid), panorama
Cusco, Sacsayhuamán, the festivity courtyard and the hill with 6 terraces (flattened pyramid) 01, 02
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant wall 01 - zoom
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, the panorama of the flattened pyramid
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, incomplete wall 01
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, incomplete walls, panorama
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, incomplete wall, panorama
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, incomplete wall, panorama 02
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, the upper part of the pyramid, panorama
And now follow almost complete walls with stones as high as adult human beings, the stones are man-high:
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant wall 02 - zoom
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant wall 03
Who did build all this? The walls are quakesafe with giant
stones and are accurate to the millimetre without mortar.
Were these the natives with wooden spoon or with little stone
tools without ruler? No, these were extraterrestrials.
And who did steal stones from this building? These were
Christian racist Catholics. I suppose one can find the robbed
stones in the houses of Cusco.
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 01 - inner corner
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 02
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: view to an incomplete wall of the first terrace
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 04
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 04, zoom of the left side
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 05
Cusco Sacsayhuamán, basic walls part 1: incomplete giant zigzag wall 05, zoom of the left side
So, these photos are just an idea what is wating the visitor in Sacsayhuamán. Passing to the second part of the basic walls the walls are complete:
All these walls are quakesafe, for this they are inclined, WITHOUT mortar, accurate to the millimeter - and not one stone is like the other one - this is good work of the extraterrestrials.