Time and weather in Cusco

Entrance area of Sacsayhuamán
One pays an entrance fee and there is more information yet:

The entrance to the fortress of Sacsayhuamán with the wooden gate 1,2,3
Inca KingsAt the entrance there is a big poster about "Inca Kings":
 | Sacsayhuamán, the poster of the "Inca" with the list of the Inca Kings
The poster indicates 14 Inca Kings (unfortunately the writing is that small so one cannot read it without glasses). Inca Kings are indicated in a mixed Spanish Quechua language. So here are they in Spanish and Quechua language which is similar to the English spelling:
Manco Chapaq (Spanish: Manco Cápac - Quechua: Manku Qhapaq / Manqu Qhapaq) [web04])
Sinchi Roca (tb. Sinci Roca - Quechua: Sinchi Ruq'a) [web05]) Lloqe Yupanki (Spanish: Lloque Yupanqui - Quechua: Lluq'i Yupanki) [web06])
Mayta Capac (Spanish: Mayta Cápac - Quechua: Mayta Qhapaq) [web07]) Capac Yupanki (Spanish: Cápac Yupanqui - Quechua: Qhapaq Yupanki) [web08]) Inca Roca (Quechua: Inka Roq'a) [web09]) Yawar Wakaq (Spanish: Yahuar Huácac - Quechua: Yawar Waqaq) [web10])
Wiraqocha (Spanish: Huiracocha Inca - Quechua: Wiraqucha Inka) [web11]) Pachakuteq (Spanish: Pachacútec Inca Yupanqui - Quechua: Pacha Kutiy Inqa Yupanki) [web12]) Yanque Yupanki (Spanish: Amaru Inca Yupanqui [web02?] - Quechua: Amaru Inka Yupanki) [web13]) Tupak Inka Yupanki (Spanish: Túpac Inca Yupanqui - Quechua: Tupaq Inka Yupanki) [web14]) Waynaqhapaq (Spanish: Huayna Cápac - Quechua: Wayna Qhapaq) [web15]) Waskar (Spanish: Huáscar - Quechua: Waskar) [web16]) Atawallpa (Spanish: Atahualpa - Quechua: Ataw-wallpa) [web17]).
Unfortunately one cannot purchase this poster. And unfortunately this poster is installed behind a glass absolutely vertically so there are light reflexions. When it would be only a little bit inclined there would not be reflexions.
The expression "Noqaykun Ruwarayku" is Quechua meaning "We have done this" [web01].
CIA Wikipedia about the Inca World (Spanish version is the best one) so there is another surprise: In German the CIA Wikipedia has NO web site about Inca World (!). And in the Spanish version of CIA Wikipedia the big surprise comes about the Inca Kings: the lists of the Inca Kings are DIFFERENT depending on the cronicler or historian with 10 to 15 Inca Kings. I present a list of 14 Inca Kings [web02] (translation by Michael Palomino):
"Chronology according to the digital training program
"Carpeta Pedagógica" ("pedagogic order"),
"datos biográficos" ("biographic data"), published in July 2008.
| Inca Kings
Government |
Chronology |
Inca Kings
Government |
I |
Manco Cápac |
1150-1178 |
Huiracocha Inca |
1370-1430 |
II |
Sinchi Roca |
1178-1197 |
IX |
Pachacútec Inca Yupanqui |
1430-1478 |
Lloque Yupanqui |
1197-1246 |
X |
Amaru Inca Yupanqui |
1478 |
IV |
Mayta Cápac |
1246-1276 |
XI |
Túpac Inca Yupanqui |
1478-1485/88 |
V |
Cápac Yupanqui |
1276-1321 |
Huayna Cápac |
1488-1525 |
VI |
Inca Roca |
1321-1348 |
Huáscar |
1525-1532 |
Yahuar Huácac |
1348-1370 |
Atahualpa |
1532-1533 |
The Inca EmpireHistory of the Inca Empire is for about 400 years. For this there are clear indications that the Incas were Wikings (white skin, red hair), which were pursued by criminal gay sterile Vatican Church in Denmark already. Then their flight was to Mexico [seel the striking book of Zillmer "Columbus Was The Last", original in German: "Kolumbus kam als Letzter" - web18]. The Incas had contact to extraterrestrials building their buildings in a quakesafe way without mortar with cut stones and cut rocks. Incas let the natives live as they were, but the Incas built roads and buildings with an unreached perfection, and they had a fast mail and news system.
Collapse of the Inca Empire by civil war between Inca Kings - probably by manipulations of the gay sterile criminal VaticanAt the end the Inca Empire collapsed by intrigues and envy provoking a civil war between the Inca Kings (Cusco against Quito). One can admit that "Christian" manipulators of the "Christian" mission of the gay sterile Vatican in the North of Peru have provoked this civil war "preparing" the occupation of the Inca Empire. This is a traditional tactic of the Jesuit Satanists of Vatican: they are manipulating the mentalities and with this they are splitting populations so they can occupy whole countries at the end without big difficulties.
Collapse of the Inca Empire by smallpox - probably also by manipulations of the gay sterile criminal VaticanAt the end there was a smallpox epidemic. Also with this smallpox epidemic one can suppose that this was a "present" from criminal Catholic "Christians" as the "Christians" did it with the natives in North "America": they gave blankets for free and in these blankets were contaminated with smallpox germs with the goal to destroy the enemy.
And in this way the "Christian" terrorist occupation of the Inca Empire by the swine keepers on horses with a Jewish fantasy Bible from Asia in their hands was not difficult any more, also when this Bible had nothing to do with Peru at all. These Catholic "Christians" were introducing their Catholic racism system then, with torture and discrimination without end, with slavery on the fields and in the mines, with a widespread corruption in the government of the Satanic "Noble" Viceroy, as also with the criminal pedophile bishops etc. (see e.g. the book "Corruption in Peru", original Spanish: "La corrupción en el Perú"). Until today (2017) Peru has not decolonized from this "Christian" torture Church which is called "Catholic". With the buildings of the criminal church being built on the bases of Inca temples mostly one could really make better things - for a peaceful life with Mother Earth.
Human sacrificesThere is always the reproach that Incas had sacrificed children to their Gods. As there are the proofs this really has happened, but they did not perform mass human sacrifices making
eternal wars, as the Christians do it with their psycho terrorism always justifying their wars with the crazy Jewish book from Asia and with their eternal armies (royal armies, front armies, NATO armies, NATO guerilla of Antifa etc.).
Christian terrorism: the criminal game of criminal pedophile corrupt Catholic gay sterile Vatican since Columbus in South "America"When there came the criminal pedophile and corrupt Catholic criminals from gay sterile Vatican all Inca buildings found were destroyed and primitive churches with a fantasy "Jesus" were installed in Peru on the Inca ground walls - for blocking spirits and force of Mother Earth in the minds of the natives - and additionally they destroyed the world of the natives with blackmailing, with racism, and with discrimination.
Any development of decolonization from this criminal Church in Peru is missing yet. Books in Lima are in Acho, plays for children can be bought in the shopping center of "Tottus", Bible of crazy pastors reading only ONE book in his life (!) is NOT needed in life.
These were my thoughts about Inca Empire and criminal Church. There are more posters following:

At the entrance of Cusco Sacsayhuamán: a shrub called "kantu" - poster indicating not using faked IDs
Maps of Sacsayhuamán and an air photo
Now is following a map of Sacsayhuamán, 3km from Cusco Center:
 | Map of the fortress of Sacsayhuamán 3km from Cusco Center
Unfortunately one cannot purchase this map. This would be an important remembrance for the tourists - presenting this fortress of Sacsayhuamán also in North "America" or in Europe or in Asia.
But perhaps there is another cause for this: maybe Christian Catholic militarists in the Cusco Administration or in the Ministry of Culture in Lima mean: we don't want that tourists have remembrance of maps or so in their homes because we only want the money for our bank accounts in Shitzerland...
 | Map of the fortress of Sacsayhuamán 3km from Cusco Center, zoom
The official term of the "Christian" Catholic Ministry of Culture is:
"Archeologic National Park of Saqsaywaman"
for presenting the Inca World as a "past". One can detect Catholic terrorism against other cultures almost in every word - and they really only want the money. Catholics are not capable to detect themselves as racist colonialists reconverting themselves into normal humans stopping their discriminations...
You find the Catholic terrorism and discrimination everywhere in Peru. Pastors wish that all "nonbelievers" would land in prison - but the criminal pastors are the terrorists agents of gay sterile Vatican for prison - because of psycho terrorism without end...
Here is a giant photo:

Air photo from the fortress of Sacsayhuamán 3km from Cusco

Air photo of Sacsayhuamán, panoramic photo
Today (2017) with a photo drone it's simple to make a photo like this.
When the protection glass would be installed only a little bit in an inclined way so there would not be any reflection on the photo.
Extraterrestrials built Sacsayhuamán - this said Mr. Don Sancho de la Hoz in 1534 alreadyLet's read the text below the photo: in 1534 already is described that this site was erected by extraterrestrials (site "was not built by human hand"), original in Spanish: edificios "no [por] mano de hombres humanos"), because such giant stones up to 30 hands wide (1 wide of a hind is 20.9cm [web19]) would not have been possible having been built by human hand. Word by word:
"... Sobre el cerro que da la parte de la ciudad es redondo y muy
áspero, hay una fortaleza de tierra y piedra muy hermosa; hay dentro de
ella muchos apoyentos y una torre principal en el medio, hecha a modo de
cubo con cuatro o cinco cuerpos, uno encima de otro... La más fina cosa
que puede verse en aquella tierra, son estas cercas, por que son de
piedra tan grandes que nadie, que las vea no dirá que hayan sido puestas
ahí por mano de hombres humanos, que son tan grandes como trozos de
montañas y peflancos [?] que las hay de altura de treinta palmos y otros
tantos largos..." Escrita en 1534 por Don Sancho de la Hoz en su crónica" En: Relación de la conquista de Perú (cap.17)> | <Sacsayhuamán "... on the mountain of the town there is a round basement, and this is really hard, there is fortress being built in earth and stone, very fine to see; in the inner there are many walls and a main tower in the middle can be detected which is consisting in 4 to 5 cubes, one on the other... The protection walls are made of the finest handicraft of the whole world. There are such giant stones so nobody can claim that human hand would have put them there because they are that big as they were parts of mountains and slopes [?] up to 30 hands high or large..." Written in the year of 1534 by Don Sancho de la Hoz in his chronicle works" In: Chronic of Peruvian Occupation (chapter 17)>
The Christian Catholic racist colonialism pigs from the criminal Vatican destroyed all buildings of the top and all towers of SacsayhuamánThere was a tower? It was destroyed by the Christian Catholic racist colonialism pigs for destroying the landmark of the town of Cusco!
One can admit that also other towns in South "America" had such Inca landmarks which were destroyed by the colonialist racist Christian pigs, for example in Quito in Ecuador!
According to the maps about Sacsayhuamán there was not only one tower but there were TWO or even THREE! - There were not only towers but there were "giant towers"! - The different towers were erected at different locations and it's not clear which tower was standing yet in 1534. There is a map indicating 2 towers, and there is another map indicating 3 towers. Thus science is not uniform with this question:

Map of Cusco Sacsayhuamán with 2 towers on the religious platform [1] - map of Sacsayhuamán with 3 towers on the religious platform [2]
What is clear now: already in 1534 one or two towers of the Inca fortress were destroyed by the Catholic racist swine Christians which are destroying all cultures all over the world with their eternal wars.
Of course also the last tower being mentioned in 1534 in the text about Sacsayhuamán was destroyed by these Catholic racist pigs and crazy "Christians". They destroyed ALL buildings of the religious platform of Sacsayhuamán. With this one can admit that the stones were used for the construction of terrorist churches in Cusco. And the living native culture of Mother Earth should be destroyed completely with this.
Cube tower - this principle comes from EgyptAnd let's see the cube tower precisely.
Should one reconstruct it again? A cube tower "consisting in cubes [...] one on the other" exists in Alexandria near Satanist geometric Washington near the capital of Satanist Luzifer "U.S.A.": such a cube tower is a SYMBOL of destructive Satanist FREEMASON ILLUMINATI. This national Freemason monument of the "U.S.A." stands in Alexandria near Washington and is a tower with three cubes one on the other. This is the symbol for the cult of Isis of Egypt because the goddess of Isis had a lighthouse near Alexandria in Egypt [web03].

National Freemason Monument of the "U.S.A." in Alexandria near Satanist geometric Washington consists in 3 cubes one on the other and is a symbol for the cult of Isis in Egypt - a copy of the lighthouse of the goddess of Isis in Egypt on an island near Alexandria in Egypt
So, there is the question:
When the last tower in Sacsayhuamán "consists in 4 to 5 cubes one on the other one" so it would be possible that the Incas had direct connections with the extraterrestrials from Egypt, or they were manipulated by them, or they were assisted by them for administrating the Inca Empire, or the Incas could also have been in connection with the Jesuits since the beginning of the Inca Empire since 1100.
This would be another indication that the Incas just were Wikings.
And it remains the question how the other towers looked like.
The tower "consisting of cubes [...] one on the other one" can also be a strong indication that the Incas were assisted by the extraterrestrials from Egypt preserving their Inca Empire as the Satanist Freemason Illuminati are doing it until today (2017) with Luzifer: the empires are called "U.S.A." and "EU".
More science is wanted for these topics.
On google one cannot find any photo of a tower of Sacsayhuamán (!)Searching on google - and this is really strange - looking for the items of: Sacsayhuamán tower - there is not coming any tower. In the libraries in Lima some drawings should be found.

Trees of the entrance area of Sacsayhuamán
Now - after all these thoughts and ideas - we walk passing some trees of the entrance area and see the giant walls of Sacsayhuamán.