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Perú: good street workers - and bad casinos

Analysis by Michael Palomino (2015)



The rich and arrogants of Peru with their casinos are chasing the street workers away - but the street workers are good and the casinos are bad

Analysis by Michael Palomino (2015)

2015: Poverty in Peru is not going

It's inexplainable this poverty in Peru:
-- many Peruvians are going on living in wooden tripley houses, in houses of straw, in houses without windows, in houses with damaged roofs by the earthquake of 2007 yet, in houses with roofs with holes etc.
-- many Peruvians are going on living with little shops with a profit which is just enough for food and clothing, but there is no money for the dentist nor for further education nor for licenses nor for university nor for books and so they are driving cars and motor bikes without license and when the police is catching them they are not making their license but they are organizing another car or motor bike etc.
-- many Peruvians are going on living far away from their working posts so they have to pay much for working trips because the prices for buses in Peru never fall whereas the international oil price has come down by over 50% in 2014
-- and at the same time the rich of Peru are concentrating in the rich districts of Miraflores, Surco, La Molina and San Borja etc. and these rich don't want to know ANYTHING about the world of the Sierra Mountains but they are even rejecting over 60% of their own country - this is how harsh Peruvian racism is working.

This is the situation in 2015! - And the corrupt media of the presidents and mayors are never reporting anything about poverty but they are indicating that poverty is coming down?! This is the biggest lie of the century.

How this poverty was created and why it's not going away? Here are some principal reasons:

Colonialism is going on since "independence": now there are no Spanish any more but the rich mestizos of Lima are dominating

When the Spaniards had to leave the rich mestizos of Lima only took over the discrimination system with all the privileges and they did not share anything with anybody of the Sierra mountain population and with the selva jungle population, but the mestizos of Lima were converting into the new colonialists of Peru and for the mountain population of the Sierra and for the jungle population of the selva HARDLY ANYTHING was changing. Here you see why:

Maneuvers of the mestizo colonialists of today: programs never come, robbery by 90% of the promised sums etc.

Until today this mestizo colonialism is going on in Lima in Miraflores, Surco, La Molina and San Borja against all the other population of Peru for example with "program" which never come, with promised funds where comes only 10% and 90% "are landing" in the pockets of the Lima colonialists, and add to this the colonialists of Lima are dominating the justice system in this country and by this they can manipulate everything to their favor. There are many examples for this behavior, here are two of them:

-- building a train in San Borja the money was robbed for it so the train was only completed with a delay of 15 years
-- after the earthquake of 2007 funds were tricked with exchanged "lists" where friends of the mayors were enlisted and the funds were distributed to the friends and the victims of the earthquakes which had reported a destroyed house were left without funds
-- and the justice system is regularly protecting the Lima colonialists and mayors with such criminal behavior etc.

The mestizo colonialists of Lima don't want to see the poor (!!!)

Many of the present mestizo colonialists of Peru don't know at all the poor how they have to live and suffer of hunger and cold. I see Peru since 2007, and in the year of 2015 when I see the desert mountain of Comas I have to declare that not much has changed. The streets are even much worse now and only the rich are "advancing":

-- the poor are mostly stuck in poverty with the exception of people with a transportation business
-- the wages for normal work are so low that this is pure exploitation
-- since 2008 there was the inflation provoked by the oil price but the salaries mostly have not followed this inflation - and also after the big fall of the oil price by over 50% in 2014 the prices did hardly fall.

But now come the hard facts:

-- also in the "poor" districts the mayors are installing casinos so the people is also loosing their their money and misery is even more and never diminishing

-- the casinos are delivering taxes but all the profits of these casinos are transmitted to Switzerland or to other locations abroad so there is no reinvestment with these profits at all and therefore whole Peru is robbed by these perverse and criminal casinos which are not only opened 24 hours per day and night but these casinos are also the center of Organized Crime

-- the streets on the desert mountain were good in 2007 but until 2015 there was no repair work so the holes are without end committed by a water company called "Sedapal" which is never completing it's works but they have their connections to the justice system and by this they are protected and never completing their works leaving 100s of holes in the streets which ave to be repaired by the house owners - but the poor don't have this money (!!!)

-- the poor are recollecting money but the prices for transports have risen by the oil price so the way up the hill has doubled from 50 cents to 1 sol from 2007 to 2015, and whereas the oil price has come down in 2014 by over 50% the Ministry of Transports which is lead by mestizo colonialists never reduced the prices for the trips to the mountains, and therefore the poor of the desert mountains are going on loosing money without end with high prices for passages which would not at all be like this

-- the absolute crazy thing is when the district mayors are also robbing the funds of the municipality for the garbage service and when they are not doing ANYTHING for a better garbage system in a district and in this way complete avenues are without any dustbin or garbage container - like in Comas, in Independencia, in Puente Piedra, in Ate, in San Juan de Miraflores etc. The sense NOT installing any good garbage system is to give the poor the feeling that they are really "poor" and that they have no chance to have a better life. The same garbage terrorism can be seen in certain districts of Trujillo (Esperanza District) or in Ica or in Nasca etc.

-- and another absolute crazy thing is the fact that the shopping centers like Metro and PlazaVea in Peru are managed by Chinese people and not by mestizo people of Lima, but the arrogant mestizos in Lima let work the Chinese for installing the shopping centers.

General conclusion: rich mestizo colonialists of Lima want Peru without population

Considering all these conditions there are the following conclusions:

1st The rich of Peru - the mestizo colonialists of Peru in Lima (Miraflores, Surco, La Molina, San Borja etc.) - are organizing the country so the poor remain poor and the poor can never free themselves of poverty, but these mestizo colonialists in Lima are the force which is installing more and more capitalist laws which are not serving to eliminate poverty at all (for example they are installing again and again more casinos!) and these laws are not at all corresponding to the mentality of the poor.

2nd The rich of Peru - the mestizo colonialists of Peru in Lima (Miraflores, Surco, La Molina, San Borja etc.) - do not want to see the poor at all but they want Peru with all the profits by minerals, oil, bas and mines WITHOUT population, they want all the richness FOR FREE, and by this NOTHING of the poor is important for them. The rich of Peru want a Peru WITHOUT population only for themselves.

3d Colonialism is going on in Peru without end.

Tactic of the poor: street workers with products which are missing in the shops or which are not existing in this region

For saving from poverty for having a little income for food and clothes etc. there are poor who are using their brain investigating the rich districts where products are missing. Then they buy products in the center stores and sell them there. These street sellers are INTELLIGENT bringing their products to the locations in the rich districts where these products are MISSING. But the profit is not so much with it:

-- the street workers have to buy the products in the markets
-- the street workers have to make a trip and have to give out money for the passages
-- when the product is food then the street workers have to maintain their equipment and have to make reinvestments.

In this way a street workers selling clothes has at the end only a profit of 10 to 20 soles PER DAY, or a barbecue seller has a profit of only 350 soles PER MONTH. But all the Peruvian system is making profits with the street workers which are organizing little selling posts using and paying the transport system of Peru.

These street workers of Peru are bringing their rich exceptional products to special locations (for example to rich districts or to big crossings):

-- food in all variations
-- clothing which is not existing in the shops aside or which is missing in the region
-- electronics for mobile phones etc. which is not in the shops aside or which is missing in the region
-- plays for children which are not in the shops aside or which is missing in the region
-- special things for the house or for the car which are not in the shops aside or which are missing in the region.

The decisive phrase is always "objects which are not existing in the shops aside" or "objects which are not existing in the region".

Conclusion: street workers are an enriching factor for the place or for the region

The conclusions are the following:

1º Street workers are an enriching factor for the place because the products they are bringing to the place do not exist in the neighboring shops or don't exist in the region.

2º Street workers are enriching life of the district or of the region and therefore the living standard is rising where street workers are selling.

3º Profits of the street workers are reinvested by 100% in products of the country because the street workers are poor and mostly have no knowledge about bank accounts nor have connections to transfer sums to banks abroad as the mestizo colonialists of Lima are doing it with the profits of their casinos shifting the profits to banks of Shitzerland (criminal Switzerland).

4º All in all the situation of the street workers in rich districts is a win win situation for everybody:
-- the street workers have their profit for food and clothes
-- the rich have additional products which do not exist in their shops or which do not exist in the region.

And now you have to see what the criminal mestizo colonialists of Peru were doing:

2012 appr.: rich Peruvians were installing a law against street workers (!!!) - hiding their giant robbery of the casinos - and the media are hiding this robbery too (!!!)

Since 2 or 3 years the rich mestizo colonialists of Peru installed one more of their destructive laws. There are not only more and more casinos where Peruvians are loosing their funds and where the profits are shifted abroad where the profits are piled up without any reinvestment, but the National Parliament have installed a law to eradicate the street workers in the whole country with their additional products. Since this law against street workers was installed there is a civil war in Peru by the mayors and municipalities against the street workers (!!!). And where the mayors and their blacks (personal of Peruvian municipalities) have executed this law strictly therefore the additional products are missing in these districts or regions.

For executing this perverse law against enrichment of products in the rich districts the argumentation of the corrupt mayors with their casinos is always the same:
-- the street workers do not pay taxes
-- the street workers are "not clean".

The most perverse thing is that this was against street workers is also executed now in poor districts like Comas or Independencia. It's an absolute scandal because without street workers there is more garbage in the street because the dustbins of the street workers are missing.

Of course the racist mestizo mayors are saying that the street workers would bring the garbage to the district - but just the contrary is the case. The rich simply don't want to see the truths:

-- the street workers are not robbing anything but are installing their life in Peru with the maximum of efficiency which is possible
-- the street workers mostly have a dustbin hanging aside so there will not be garbage in the street
-- in the poor districts where are casinos - like in CRAZY Comas - there are almost no dustbins installed but the street workers are many times the ones with dustbins
-- all in all the rich arrogants of Lima and of Peru don't want to see the other side of life that the poor are existing in their country which are discriminated without end: they want to discriminate them by 100% so they will not appear any more...

But now see this: the same corrupt mayors are always indicating that the casinos would pay taxes and would not be "anything bad".

When people is loosing their fortune by 90% or even 100% in the casinos this would not be "anything bad".
When people is robbing other people for selling the robbed objects for having money going on with playing in the casinos this would not be "anything bad".
When Peru is the country with the highest rate of play addicted people of whole Latin "America" with all the casinos in Peru this would not be "anything bad".
When people is loosing all their fortune in the casino and complete families are thrown into poverty this would not be "anything bad".
When people are committing suicide by the casino where they lost their money this would not be "anything bad". - Then the family is not only loosing the fortune but also their dad.
When there is the Organized Crime in the casinos this would not be "anything bad".

And all this casino culture comes from the criminal "United States" - from the white "American" gringo" - but this would not be "anything bad". What a horror! In this way they are governing the country of Peru! And the same mayors and governments of Peru are hiding where all the enormous profits of the casinos are going:

-- the little profits of the street workers can be 300 to 600 soles per month and will be reinvested by 100% in Peru
-- but the giant profits of the casinos with millions of soles per month are shifted abroad mostly to criminal Switzerland and nothing of these high profits will be reinvested in Peru any more - or there will be more casinos.

The casinos are the biggest thieves of the country of Peru

Of course the Peruvian media are corrupt and paid by the mayors and presidents of the country. These media never report where the profits of the casinos are going: they are shifted abroad for piling money for more 4by4 cars or for more houses, floors or for purchasing territories with oil etc. The mestizo colonialists of Lima (Miraflores, Surco, La Molina, San Borja etc.) are systematically hiding the fact that the casinos are the biggest thieves of the country. And these colonialists of Lima have no difficulty to manipulate the media whereas the journalists know well about this by their spying reds.

The mayors also say that Peru would not be a "communist" country and therefore the casinos would be "good" and would be a "liberty". But Ecuador has abrogated the casinos and is not communist. There are hardly any casinos neither in Chile nor in Argentina and both states are NOT communist. So this word game of the corrupt mayors of Peru is not working either.

Conclusion: let the street workers in peace - convert the casinos into libraries etc.

Considering that the street workers are mostly provoking a win-win-situation for all


considering that the casinos are only provoking losses, bankrupts and destruction of the society even provoking more poverty and more arrogance

the conclusion is clear:

1st Don't touch the street workers with their little shops which are not paying taxes but they are bringing products to places where these products are missing and all profits is reinvested in the country itself so nothing is lost.

2nd All casinos have to be closed because life is not a play and with money should not be a play nor with existences of other Peruvians should be any play but there is the big possibility to convert the casinos
-- into libraries
-- into halls for festivities for all
-- into swimming pools for all
-- into halls for additional education with popular universities and courses
etc. etc.

This government and the mayors of Peru have to see clearly that the street workers is a good man and is an enrichment for any district, and the casinos are the devils where only money is lost by at least 90%. Additionally the casinos are a center of the Organized Crime being open 24 hours during day and night and these casinos in Peru are not of the Peruvian culture but they are from the culture from the racist white colonialists of North "America" (gringo, green go="American" soldier of the "US") with their center in Las Vegas. Additionally casinos are not at all "Christian" but the casinos are representing arrogance without end of capitalism against the poor which are not advancing because the profits of the casinos are missing in the reinvestment works of Peru.

Here are two examples of Peruvian casino arrogance of January, February and March 2015 when it was possible to observe that the casinos in CRAZY Comas at the Tupac Amáru Avenue were not at all helping when it was possible to help the population
-- but the casinos did not help with repair of holes in the sidewalks when the criminal company of "Sedapal" left their work with big holes and the house owners had to pay for the hole repair work
-- nor did these casinos help me when I had to change a 100 soles bill into 2 bills of 50 soles during a Sunday
etc. etc.

In short words:

Every street worker is a brave fighter for his poor existence bringing products to places where these products are not existing.

Every casino in every country is a sin, and casinos in poor districts are even more sin. It's not important who the owners of these casinos are, but

the casinos have to close down.

When the casinos are closed down with all their giant robbery and when this profits are reinvested in Peru for the poor and when university systems for all are installed then perhaps poverty will really go.

The third possibility: flea markets one day per week

There is a third possibility how to arrange the problem with the street workers:

3d Flea market system can be introduced as it is existing in Europe in many countries already - or how it is existing in Chile, too. One day per week a street is blocked or a park is used and the street workers can install there, also young and elder people can install there with their things, they pay per m2 a little tax and can sell there during 8 to 12 hours, for example from 6am to 6pm or 8am to 8pm. Until today (2015) the Peruvian government and the mayors never have the courage to copy this system which is perfectly working and which is providing a perfect additional offer. The best day for a flea market is Saturday because many people have free time on Saturday.

The authorities can install themselves in a trailer for controlling the site, they will tax the traders and sellers and the sellers install themselves with towels and tables with their things. Perhaps some of them are presenting many things but they will also pay for every m2 they are using. The price for 1 m2 is fixed by the connection between offer and demand. Generally it should not be too much because the profits are very low.

The bigger the flea market is the more attractive it is for the public. Flea markets can be installed
-- in parks (as I saw in Basel in Shitzerland)
-- in school parks (as I saw in Zurich in Shitzerland)
-- in big places (as I saw in Zurich in Shitzerland and in Pattaya in Thailand)
-- on the sideways of the streets in a living zone where is hardly any traffic
-- a street can be blocked completely for 6 or 12 hours so the flea market can be installed (as I saw in Arica in Chile when half of an avenue was blocked on Sundays).

In these flea markets not only the products of the street workers can be found like bathroom articles, artifacts or electronics but
-- there are also children and youths selling their products when they don't need them any more
-- there are also old objects from the basements or attics from a grand father or from a grand mother who has died
-- there can also be precious books
-- there can also be ceramics and furniture
etc. etc.

Considering this rich variety of things there is the thesis that such flea markets would represent the whole richness of Peru and many rich people will see objects of other cultures of their country which they did not know before. And there is even the possibility that these flea markets can develop festivity activities in the evenings with dances, songs and other music.

In other words: when the rich of Peru are eliminating the street workers then they are eliminating a culture of the poor how they are fighting for their life.

And in other words: when they organize the flea markets in Peru then the rich will see much of their country they never saw before.

And in other words: when the arrogant and perverse rich people of Peru are not permitting the flea markets in Peru (in Miraflores, Surco, La Molina, San Borja etc.) and then they are going on blocking the cultural development of Peru. They are simply blocking the cultural interchange which will be in these flea markets.

4th When street workers and flea markets are permitted this will be the maximum of cultural interchange. Then a new multicultural identity will be developed in the country and this can provoke more estimation mutually for the cultures.

Final summary with the main points: street workers - casinos - ministry of transport - flea markets
1st Street workers are good and the little salaries they earn are reinvested in the country by 100%.
2nd Casinos are from the devil because they provoke bancrupts, suicides and organized crime and additionally they are transferring their profits abroad so the money is not used for reinvestments. The casino profits are ROBBED from the Peruvian population. Additionally the casinos are never helping when there are problems to solve in the district - so the casinos should be converted for example into libraries, concert halls, swimming pools, popular universities, further education facilities etc. Casinos are not at all a Peruvian culture but casinos are the culture of the white arrogant gringo racists from the "U.S.A.". Also therefore the casinos should never be part of Peru.
3d The Ministry of Transport has to adopt the prices for public transports to the international oil price when the oil price is falling over 50% otherwise this is a giant robbery against the poor, for example at the desert hill in Comas where a trip up the hill costs still 1 sol which was 50 cents in 2007.
4th Flea markets are another enrichment because they are showing the big variety of cultural products of the country.
5th Poverty is - among others - above all provoked by the destructive casinos and by the too high transport prices.

Last words

Last word 1 about other countries with street workers
In other countries with street workers there is the same problem: they should not eliminate the street workers but should enjoy the products they are offering, and/or flea markets should be organized which are showing the whole scale of cultural products of the country.

Last word 2 about oil price
When the international oil price is falling by more than 50% so also the prices for passages of public transport should adopt in the country which is called "Peru" otherwise this state which is called "Peru" is committing a robbery without end against the poor again: they are cashing as if it would be an illegal transport tax. Additionally there are hardly any investments with this illegal tax considering for example the streets on the desert mountain of Comas so it's only a robbery and nothing else...

And the last of the last words about passports
Truth is independent of the passport.


