The walk to Inca Bridge: dwellings,
vicunias, beautiful views

Tambo (vacation location for the Incas), this is a
building with 10 doors, panoramic photo

Tambo (vacation location for the Incas), this is a
building with 10 doors 1,2,3
Here one can met vicunias, they seem to be accustomed to
tourists, they are not shy

Vicunias 1,2

Vicunias 03

Vicunias 04
Vicunia, zoom 01

Vicunia, zoom 3,4, 5

Vicunia, zoom 5,6

Vicunias eating

Machu Picchu, Vicunia with local mountain of
Huaynapicchu - vicunia with Machu Picchu (big quarry,
temples, Sun Pyramid, the hamlet with the Holy Stone,
work houses, Central Square, Mirror Temple or Mortar
Temple, Big Walls, Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple)

Machu Picchu, Vicunia with local mountain of
Huaynapicchu 02 - vicunia with Machu Picchu (big quarry,
temples, Sun Pyramid, the hamlet with the Holy Stone,
work houses, Central Square, Mirror Temple or Mortar
Temple, Big Walls, Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple)

Machu Picchu, Vicunia with local mountain of
Huchuypicchu and Huaynapicchu (big quarry, temples, Sun
Pyramid, the hamlet with the Holy Stone, work houses,
Central Square, Mirror Temple or Mortar Temple, Big
Walls, Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple) - Vicunia zoom
Jokes say this would be a starting eagle raising his
wings, or this would be a face of a sleeping Inca with
big nose...

Machu Picchu, Vicunia with local mountain of
Huchuypicchu and Huaynapicchu 05 - vicunia with Machu
Picchu (big quarry, temples, Sun Pyramid, the hamlet
with the Holy Stone, work houses, Central Square, Mirror
Temple or Mortar Temple, Big Walls, Eagle Prison or
Eagle Temple)

Machu Picchu, Vicunia with local mountains of
Huchuypicchu and Huaynapicchu 06 - vicunia with Machu
Picchu (big quarry, temples, Sun Pyramid, the hamlet
with the Holy Stone, work houses, Central Square, Mirror
Temple or Mortar Temple, Big Walls, Eagle Prison or
Eagle Temple) - Vicunia, zoom

Vicunia with Machu Picchu 07 (big quarry, temples, Sun
Pyramid, the hamlet with the Holy Stone, work houses,
Central Square, Mirror Temple or Mortar Temple, Big
Walls, Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple)
Vicunia with Machu Picchu 08 (big quarry, temples, Sun
Pyramid, the hamlet with the Holy Stone, work houses,
Central Square, Mirror Temple or Mortar Temple, Big
Walls, Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple)

View to Machu Picchu with the local mountains of
Huchuypicchu (low) and Huaynapicchu (high), panoramic

View to Machu Picchu with the local mountains of
Huchuypicchu (low) and Huaynapicchu (high)

View to Machu Picchu, zoom
The trail to the "Inca Bridge": stairs, posts,
antennas - and a blocked path at the end...
Machu Picchu, heading for Inca Bridge, parts of the
stairs are made of one piece
Guard house - weather antenna - irregular stairs -
blocked bridge

Walk to the Inca Bridge, the guard's house / control
house - here the tourists who want to see the Inca
Bridge have to inscribe themselves - they don't want
that anybody will pass the night there - the shield is
only in Spanish

Trail to the Inca Bridge, weather antenna of the Weather
Department SENAMHI - the shield of SENAMHI

Trail to the Inca Bridge, the cliffs are vertically
going down, panoramic photo

Trail to the Inca Bridge, vertical cliffs, irregular

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view of the
Urubamba Valley

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, giant stones are
put around - agricultural terraces

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, the view of the
Urubamba Valley
In this Urubamba River all the
shit of Cusco is swimming passing Machu Picchu. Cusco
is the biggest tourist spot of South "America" but the
mayors are NOT organizing a purification plant thus
all people living at Urubamba River remain without
clean water from this river, cannot swim in it, cannot
wash their clothes in it, nothing. It's pure racism
what the criminal mayors are doing here - mayors in
Peru don't want to learn what is a purification plant,
they get their salary without it...

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view to Urubamba
Valley, zooms 1,2

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, vertical cliffs
and mountains in the background, panoramic photo

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view to Urubamba
Valley, panoramic photo

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view of Urubamba
Valley 1,2

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge with protection
wall - view of Urubamba Valley, always with all the
sewage shit of Cusco in it...

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, protection wall
with pass 1,2,3

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, now the trail is
suddenly doing down 1,2
"Inca Bridge" - is blocked (!)
There is no tourist guide for the
Inca Bridge. One can only consider what is going on
here. There are some odd facts to see: In the wall are
two stairs installed which are ending on half the way.
Railing does not exist, protection walls or protection
ropes do not exist, and there is the question why this
bridge is existing when a trail without wall could
have been installed. It seems that this bridge is made
of slavery work or is an "exercise" of
extraterrestrials. And the installed steps in the wall
were for "sportive people" given as an "exercise".
Additionally the boards of wood don't seem so

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view to the Inca

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, view to the Inca
Bridge 02

Machu Picchu, trail to the Inca Bridge, it's blocked,
barred, forbidden passing it.
This Inca Bridge seems a bad joke...
Now the way back:
The way back: antenna, beautiful views, Sun Gate,
Local mountain of Huaynapicchu with the weather antenna
of Weather Board SENAMHI

View to Machu Picchu, panoramic photo

View to Machu Picchu 1,2

View to Machu Picchu 3

Machu Picchu: view to the long stairs, temples, Sun
Pyramid, local mountain Huchuypicchu - Machu Picchu:
view to the long stairs, temples, Sun Pyramid, Central
Square (Central Plaza), the hamlet with the Holy Stone,
work houses, and Big Wall

Machu Picchu: view to the Temple
of the Sun (Sun Temple), Central Square (Central
Plaza), work houses, Big Walls, Princess' House,
Mirror Temple or Mortar Temple, Eagle Prison or
Eagle Temple - Machu Picchu: view to the Big Walls,
Princess' House, Mirror Temple or Mortar Temple,
Eagle Prison or Eagle Temple, agricultural terraces
and Urubamba Valley
Way back passing Sun Gate - view back to Sun Gate
through the corridor

Big stones in the wall on the way to the Sun Gate 1,2,3