Machu Picchu: on the way to the main temples we pass
again stairs being made in one piece - we are passing
stony houses with smooth stones and only of second
Presumption: may be one of the gable walls has fallen
down and was restored with mortar, one does not konw
The Temple of the Three Windows: quake damage

Machu Picchu: Temple of the Three Windows, the right
wall (seen from outside) has got a quake damage 1- zoom
- view 2: one can look through the hole
The administration claims one must not repair quake
damages - I think they are crazy!
The Temple of the Three Windows: 3 windows and two

Temple of the Three Windows: 3 windows - Temple of the
Three Windows: 3 windows with the local mountain of
Huaynapicchu al fondo
This row of windows is composed like this: 1 niche on
the left - 3 windows - 1 niche on the right. Just take
it as it is:

The Temple of the Three Windows: 3 windows and 1 niche,
and the right side wall is perfect (with the earthquake

The Temple of the Three Windows: 3 windows and 1 niche,
and the right side wall is perfect (with the earthquake

The Temple of the Three Windows: the right side wall
with giant stones - zooms 1 and 2
The view from the windows of the Temple of the Three

Temple of the Three Windows, the left niche and the view
from the window - windows in the center - window with
the right niche and the right side wall

and the next

The Temple of the Three Windows: the views from the
windows 1,2,3,4

Temple of the Three Windows, the 3 windows
left side wall of the Temple of the Three
Windows, inner sight with cut giant stones

Picchu: Temple of the Three Windows: the left
wall, zoom, panoramic photo - Temple of the
Three Windows, details of the wall 1,2

Machu Picchu: Temple of the Three Windows: the complete
left wall - Temple of the Three Windows: the left wall
with the local mountain of Huaynapicchu
left wall of the Temple of the Three Windows,
backside with the cut giant stones

Temple of
the Three Windows: backside of the left wall -
zoom - details 1,2
Also this left wall has an earthquake damage because the
stones are not together any more but one can look
through the holes.

Temple of the Three Windows: view of the window
Temple of the Three Windows: symbol of Mother Earth
(Quechua: Pacha Mama) with the doubled stairs in one

Temple of the Three Windows: symbol of Mother Earth 1+2,
the doubled stairs are in one piece - Inca cross
complete version [1]
Temple of the Three Windows: view from outside to the
wall with the three windows

Temple of the Three Windows: view from outside to the
temple wall with the 3 windows