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Machu Picchu, photo gallery 04: royal enclousures / Inca Room

Inka-Zimmer in Machu Picchu: Türöffnung mit Nische, Panoramafoto
Inca Room in Machu Picchu: doorway with niche, panoramic photo

Photo gallery by Michael Palomino (2016, translation 2017, the photos are from 2011)



Inca Room: perfect walls and stones - who cut them that perfectly? - Extraterrestrials did

Here we see Inca architecture with smooth stones, all without mortar, and the walls are always a little bit inclined as a prevention against earthquakes. The two last layers above are of raw stones. That's a protection layer, or the Incas had no time any more to end this wall, or there should be demonstrated different construction stiles. This system also exists in other places. There is the general question why houses in Peru are not built with walls which are a little bit inclined as a prevention against earthquakes.

Indications from new historical research say that the Incas were the Wikings from Denmark (see Zillmer: Columbus came as last, original in German: Kolumbus kam als Letzter). They had at least connections to extraterrestrials or they were themselves some. I mean that these smooth and perfect stones were cut by extraterrestrials with laser.

Inkazimmer in Machu Picchu: Aussenmauer mit Türöffnung  Inkazimmer in Machu Picchu: Türöffnung mit Nische, Panoramafoto 
Inca Room in Machu Picchu: exterior wall with doorway - Inca Room in Machu Picchu: doorway with niche, panoramic photo

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer, die Türöffnung nach aussen  Türöffnung mit Nische  Türöffnung mit Nische, Panoramafoto
Machu Picchu, Inca Room, the doorway - the doorway with a niche - the doorway with a niche, panoramic photo

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Türöffnung mit Nische 01  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Türöffnung mit Nische 02
Machu Picchu, Inca Room: doorway with niche 1,2

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Zwei Nischen  Nische, Nahaufnahme 
Machu Picchu, Inca Room: two niches - niche, zoom

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Schiefe Mauer 1  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Schiefe Mauer 02  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Schiefe Mauer 03
Machu Picchu, Inca Room: inclined wall 1,2,3

Inca Room: bed corner, little basin, little poles, holes

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Das Inkabett 01  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Das Inkabett 02
Machu Picchu, Inca Room: the Inca Bed 1,2

Travel guiedes indicate for this big niche that this had been an Inca Bed of the Inca King. But I think it can also have been used as an altar or a kitchen corner.

Inkazimmer: Das kleine Becken 1  Inkazimmer: Das kleine Becken 2  Inkazimmer: Das kleine Becken, Nahaufnahme
Inca Room: the little basin, 1,2 - zoom

Inkabett 3  Inkabett 4  Inkabett 5
Inca Bed 3,4,5

Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Nahaufnahme der Schlafzimmermauer 1  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Nahaufnahme der Schlafzimmermauer 2  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Nahaufnahme der Schlafzimmermauer 3  Machu Picchu, Inkazimmer: Nahaufnahme der Schlafzimmermauer 4
Machu Picchu, Inca Room, zooms of the wall of the sleeping corner 1,2,3,4

Machu Picchu, Nischen im Inkazimmer  Mauervorsprung im Inkazimmer 
Machu Picchu, niches in the Inca Room - projection on a wall in the Inca Room

Inkazimmer: Türöffnung zum Bad  Löcher im Bad
Inca Room: the doorway to the bathroom - holes in the floor

Machu Picchu: Nische im Inkazimmer  Der Kopfstein der Nische  Weitere Nische im Inkazimmer  der Kopfstein 02 der Nische, Nahaufnahme
Machu Picchu: niche in the Inca Room - the head stone of the niche - one more niche in the Inca Room - head stone 2 of niche 2, zoom

  Machu Picchu: Seitentür im Bereich des Inkazimmers  Machu Picchu: Seitentür im Bereich des Inkazimmers  Weitere Mauer im Inkazimmer 05  Treppenstufen in einem Stück im Aussenbereich des Inkazimmers
Machu Picchu: side doorway of the Inca Room - one more wall in the Inca Room 05 - steps of stairs in one piece in the outer area of the Inca Room

Who has cut these stones so perfectly? - They are composed WITHOUT mortar and are quakeproof. Extraterrestrials were.

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