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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

8. Hair cuts of pre-Christian cultures in Peru

A long hair cut
A long hair cut

Presentation by Michael Palomino (2011) (photos from 2010)


                          showcase with the hair cuts in the
                          pre-Christian cultures
The showcase with the hair cuts in the pre-Christian cultures
A long hair cut
A long hair cut
Texts about hair cuts of pre-Christian
                          cultural epochs in Spanish and in English
Texts about hair cuts of pre-Christian cultural epochs in Spanish and in English

<Prehispanic headdresses

A great variety of headdresses were bore by both men and women of all cultures of Ancient Peru. Topknots, braids, wigs headdresses and others were important to show the social status of the individual, or just to improve the personal appearance, especially in Nasca and Paracas cultures.>
A hair cut
                          of Paracas culture
A hair cut of Paracas culture
A hair cut of Wari culture
A hair cut of Wari culture
Hair cuts of Inca culture
Hair cuts of Inca culture
Combs of cactus spines
Combs of cactus spines

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