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The regional museum of Ica
(Museo regional de Ica)

6. Chincha culture: 1. Regions

"La Banda"
                region of Ica culture
"La Banda" region of Ica culture

Photos of a visit to the museum of 2010

presented by Michael Palomino (2011)



The regions of Chincha culture
Big board with the description of the
                            regions of Chincha culture
Big board with the description of the regions of Chincha culture

Texts about the regions of Chincha
                            culture in Spanish and in English
Texts about the regions of Chincha culture in Spanish and in English

<In the Ica valley the kingdom had its capital in the Tacaraca zone. Agriculture and textile, ceramics and metal production were the main economic activities of this society.

The Poroma kingdom developed in the Rio Grande drainage of Nasca. The population centers shows urban planning and are numerous and extensive. However, they have peculiar architectural traits like the use almost exclusive of walls made of worked stone, with little or no use of adobe bricks or pyramidal mounds.>
                            about the regions of Chincha culture in
                            about the regions of Chincha culture in
                            of Chocoltaja, photo
Region of Chocoltaja, photo

Text: Chocoltaja, Ica: village in
                              terraces of Ica culture
Text: Chocoltaja, Ica: village in terraces of Ica culture

                            Banda" region of Ica culture
"La Banda" region of Ica culture

Text: The settlement "La
                              Banda" in Ica valley, sector with
                              remnants of settlements of Ica culture
Text: The settlement "La Banda" in Ica valley, sector with remnants of settlements of Ica culture
                          lost city of Huayuri, photo
The lost city of Huayuri, photo

Text: The lost city of Huayuri in
                              Saint Cross valley (valle de Santa Cruz)
                              in Palpa. This part of the settlements was
                              built on terraces. Poroma culture.
Text: The lost city of Huayuri in Saint Cross valley (valle de Santa Cruz) in Palpa. This part of the settlements was built on terraces. Poroma culture.

Cemetery of Chauchilla
Cemetery of Chauchilla

Text: Cemetery of Chauchilla in
                              Trancas valley (valle Las Trancas) in the
                              region of Nazca. The photo shows an
                              excavated tomb. Poroma culture.
Text: Cemetery of Chauchilla in Trancas valley (valle Las Trancas) in the region of Nazca. The photo shows an excavated tomb. Poroma culture.

The religious center of Chincha culture
Big board showing religious centers
                              for ceremonies
Big board showing religious centers for ceremonies

Texts about religious centers of
                            Chincha culture in Spanish and in English
Texts about religious centers of Chincha culture in Spanish and in English

<The Chincha kingdom ruling over the Pisco and Chincha valleys had its capital in the Tambo de Mora architectural complex, La Centinela being its major structure. In addition to agriculture and fishing, the Chincha people also developed trading and navigation to a level then unknown. They traveled to the altiplanic region and southern Chile where they got copper to exchange for spondylus and strombus shells or turquoise beads, items of ritual and prestige importance in the Andean world, from such far distant regions as Ecuador and Central America. For this they had to navigate thousands of miles throughout the Pacific Ocean.>
                          about religious centers of Chincha culture in
                            about religious centers of Chincha culture
                            in English
The religious center Blackberry
                          rest stop ("Tambo de Mora") of
                          Chincha culture
The religious center Blackberry rest stop ("Tambo de Mora") of Chincha culture

Text: The complex of Blackberry
                            rest stop ("Tambo de Mora") in
                            Chincha valley. The photo shows the
                            sanctuary of "Centinel"
                            ("Huaca La Centinela"). Cultures
                            Chincha and Inca
Text: The complex of Blackberry rest stop ("Tambo de Mora") in Chincha valley. The photo shows the sanctuary of "Centinel" ("Huaca La Centinela"). Cultures Chincha and Inca

The sanctuary "Centinel"
                            ("Huaca La Centinela") of Chincha
The sanctuary "Centinel" ("Huaca La Centinela") of Chincha culture

Text: Sanctuary "Centinel"
                              ("Huaca La Centinela") in
                              Chincha valley, the frontage with the main
Text: Sanctuary "Centinel" ("Huaca La Centinela") in Chincha valley, the frontage with the main entrance

Mud brick panel Mud brick panel

Text: Sanctuary "Centinel"
                              ("Huaca La Centinela"): The
                              photo shows a part of the friezes of the
                              inner of the pyramid, clay work, Chincha
Text: Sanctuary "Centinel" ("Huaca La Centinela"): The photo shows a part of the friezes of the inner of the pyramid, clay work, Chincha culture.

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