Something strange must have happened with this hill in Sacsayhuamán. Such tectonic formations with sandpapered rocks are formed by glaciers normally, but these sandpapered rocks here are limited to this local spot. Pioneer Däniken means that these would be the consequences of an atomic explosion.

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the flattened hill, panorama
The stairs to the flattened hill
the stairs to the hill are original, and at it's side there are cut stones again:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the flattened hill, the stairs - terraces next to the stairs - squared and rectangular stones at the beginning of the stairs

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the stairs to the flattened hill 01 - the cut side stones 1,2
Looking from the stairs aside one can see parts of the flattened rock:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the flattened hill 4+5
At the end of the stairs the cut stones remain like this in minor quality:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the side wall of the stairs with cut stones 03
Having arrived on the top one can see the big bows of the flattened hill. There is no explanation for this, or why this was made like this. The criminal racist Catholics burnt EVERYTHING of other cultures in Cusco as it seems...

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the flattened hill in big bows, panorama
The flattened hill: wall parts, big stones, stairs in one piece, little throne
On the platform of the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán one can find some more remnants of Inca architecture like remnants of walls, big stones, stairs in one piece and a little throne.

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, remnants of a wall in Inca stones - spread giant stones - deformed giant stone

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, stairs in one piece made of the rock 1+2 - and there is a throne being cut of the throne

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, there is a deformed melt stone - throne cut of a rock 03, lateral view
On the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán: giant bows, zoom

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the big bows of the flattened rock on the flattened hill 4,5,6

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the big bows of the flattened rock on the flattened hill 7
The big multiple throne
On the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán one can detect this giant multiple throne:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant multiple throne on the flattened hill, panorama
These were not the natives building this because with wooden spoons and with little stone tools without ruler nor right angle nor water level this construction is impossible. - These were beings from another dimension - these were extraterrestrials.

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant multiple throne on the flattened hill, the view to the zigzag walls on the other side

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, the giant multiple throne - zoom 1,2

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant multiple throne on the flattened hill, zoom 03 - giant bow of the flattened rock, zoom

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, zoom, panorama
(The photo program composed these photos with a little "kink").

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, zoom frontal 1,2,3

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, zoom frontal 4

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, details 1,2,3+4

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill 5,6, panorama

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, details of the left side 1,2,3
And there are some carvings seeming strange in this throne because normally there are never such carvings:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, carvings 1,2,3
All in all this giant multiple throne consists of about 20 separated squared sections. And with this there is really the question: It's NOT POSSIBLE TO BUILD THIS without ruler nor water balance. The natives never had NEITHER a ruler NOR a water level. Thus there is really only one conclusion that the building masters of this site on this flattened hill were beings of other dimensions - thus these were extraterrestrials. The surfaces are perfect, with perfect right angles, and all squares are perfectly equal:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, the left side at the end - the left side - the center
Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, the right side
And there are strong lines and even holes in the ramp:

|  Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant throne on the flattened hill, details of the ramp 1,2 - panorama |
Here are even more engravings, there is no indication why - can also be slide tracks etc.

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant multiple throne on the flattened hill, engravings or slide tracks 4,5,6

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), the giant multiple throne on the flattened hill, engravings or slide tracks 07
On the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán: more rock formations in bows
Finishing our stay on the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán there are some more photos of the big bow formations:
Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, big bow formations of rock 8,9

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, big bow formations of rock 10,11
The path down to the central courtyard
The path down is on the other side towards the exit of the site. On the way more cut stones can be found as for example here:

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the flattened hill, cut singular stone of a building with straight and curvy cuts - zoom
Now on the courtyard

The central courtyard of Sacsayhuamán 1,2
Unfortunately the photos could not be composed.
Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on it's base of the flattened hill little flattened elements can be seen

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the base of the flattened hill one can see little flattened rock elements 1,2,3

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), on the base of the flattened hill one can see little flattened rock elements 4+5
The slides of Sacsayhuamán
On the other side of the flattened hill of Sacsayhuamán the big bows are forming slides, Nobody knows how these slides were formed. When the cause would be an atomic bomb then this zone would be contaminated with radioactivity - so one should measure some time (!).

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 1+2

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 3 to 5, panorama

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 3,4,5
Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 06

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 7+8, panorama

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 7,8

Sacsayhuamán (Cusco), slides 09, view from the amphitheater to the slides