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Brasilien / Brazil. Index

von / by Michael Palomino

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Jews in Brazil
1. Jews in Brazil 01: Dutch Brazil  English
Portuguese Brazil - Jews in Dutch Brazil - Jews in Dutch troops - sugar business and Inquisition - Jewish slave trade and export import business

2. Jews in Brazil 02: Agriculture settlements  English
Jewish farmers in Dutch Brazil - agricultural settlements since 1891 - Philippson, Quatro Irmãos, Resende - liquidation of the agricultural settlements since 1945 - individual Jews farming

3. Jews in Brazil 03: Politics and Jewish immigration 1800-1970  English
Tolerance since 1822 - republic constitution since 1891 - assimilation and new immigration since 1824 - numbers

4. Jews in Brazil 04: Communal and cultural life  English
Sephardi communities - racist Zionist and Jewish communits in Brazil - cultural restrictions in the 1930s and 1940s - Jewish schooling, clubs, rabbinates, newspapers, and books in Brazil

5. Jews in Brazil 05: Ties with racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel  English
Treaties, commerce and development work - the natives are never mentioned
